Letters to the Editor 10-01-1999

July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

By -

- God - Dalton - Opportunity Dashed - Gun Control - Social Security - Hunting And Fishing Day - Football Field - Samaritans - Mistakes - Mad TV


Editor, Times-Union:
Ê I would like to let Dennerick Flores and David Hoskins know who God is ... God is Lord Almighty, Omnipotent King, Lion of Judah, Rock of Ages, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Provider, Protector, Paternal, Leader Ruling Lord and Reigning King of all the universe. He is Father, He is Helper, He is Guardian and He is God. He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End. He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all He keeps. The Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is and He always will be. Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated and never Undone. He was bruised and bought healing. He was pierced and eased pain. He was persecuted and bought freedom. He was dead and bought life. He is risen and brings power. He reigns and brings Peace.

The world can't understand him, the armies can't defeat him, the schools can't explain Him and the leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't confuse Him and the people couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him, the New Age can't replace Him and Donahue can't explain Him away! He is Light, Love, Longevity and Lord. He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness and God. He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful and Pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal, His will is unchanging and His mind is on me! He is my Savior, He is my Guide, He is my Peace. He is my Joy, He is my Comfort. He is my Lord and He rules my life. I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and the sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come. ... And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME! He will never leave me, never forsake me, never mislead me, never forget me, never overlook me and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book! When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He forgives. When I am weak, He is strong. When I am lost, He is the way. When I am afraid, He is my courage. When I stumble, He steadies me. When I am hurt, He heals me. When I am broken, He mends me. When I am blind, He leads me. When I am hungry, He feeds me. When I face trials, He is with me. When I face persecution, He shields me. When I face problems, He comforts me. When I face loss, He provides for me. When I face death, He carries me Home! He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time and every way. He is God, He is faithful, I am His and He is mine. My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world, and so, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this: He said it, I believe it and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul. Everyday is a blessing for GOD IS! Now doesn't that get you excited?

Alice Nabinger, Pierceton via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
I am amazed that our forefathers allowed a foundry to be built so near a resort community and residential areas. (The Winona Hotel dates from 1895 and our home from 1905.) While I would love to see an end to the noise, dirt, odor and pollution caused by Dalton Foundry, I hope it prospers for the sake of its employees.

Hopefully management will do all it can to exceed legal mandates, making Dalton Foundry a better neighbor and improving our quality of life.

Debra Wilcoxson, Winona Lake

Opportunity Dashed

Editor, Times-Union:
Hello Warsaw! Normally, I do not interfere in others' affairs too often. I'm usually more of a listener. However, some things can't be ignored.

I've been away from Warsaw for about 6 years because I served in the United States Army. I've visited and have lived in many different places throughout the U.S. I have seen and met many, let's say, different people along with their beliefs. I came to the conclusion that Warsaw was a better place to go back to.

The Great USA, land of opportunity and dreams, well, unless you're in front of the BZA (Board of Zoning Appeals). This very small group of people determines a person's future, as I have seen, based on garbage.

This letter is in my support of Jeannie Williams and her dreams of a tattoo parlor here in wonderful Warsaw. I have seen many tattoo parlors and you'd be surprised of some of the customers who go. Some of the best and most well-respected people go in there. This is art and can also be family-oriented. Most tattoo parlors I knew of sold novelty items, candles, children's toys and much more. There is nothing X-rated about a tattoo parlor. For God's sake, this is a woman's dream of her future. We only live one life, there is no harm. Let her do it. If we shut down every business in Warsaw because of the type of people that go in them, well, better close down Warsaw then, because there's always going to be a Marilyn Manson in every group, but Warsaw as a whole is good.

There is one certain business in Warsaw which I know is in zoning violation, but because it was there before the zoning laws they are allowed to stay. This place is located right next to a church and is close to the police station. One of their employees was arrested for prostitution a few months ago. This is not a family-oriented business in Warsaw and yet it's still in the heart of Warsaw, brightly advertised. So Warsaw, I ask that you reconsider this woman's plea and give her that dream and opportunity the U.S. promised her. Focus your energy on the bad things in Warsaw - the X-rated things. The woman has a dream, let her live it.

Marc Denz, Warsaw

Gun Control

Editor, Times-Union:
Read the letter to the editor by Mr. Huffman, good letter, I wish to add a few more thoughts. While somebody was talking numbers, 1 percent is 2,750,000 now this number exceeds the number of all the U.S. military and all related law enforcement agencies personnel now employed. The last I remember reading something in USA Today a while back, now with our benevolent law makers in D.C., who it seems are doing their best to take away our guns, I pose this question. Let's say that the anti-gunners get their way, gun confiscation is enacted, the military and law enforcement are ordered by Mr. Slick Willie himself under one of his famous executive orders to round up the gun owners who are considered a serious threat (competitive shooters, those with handgun licenses and those with current hunting licenses - Hitler did this, who says it can't happen again) then confiscation of firearms from the other people. Now back to numbers, let's say 3 percent of the population say F-Y and resist, the government's side is already out-numbered 3-1 now. Current military studies have pointed out that in partisan-guerrilla operations it takes sometimes a 30-1 ratio to hunt them down and stop their operations. Now with that in mind, if everybody who says the famous saying, "They won't get my gun until they pry it out of my cold dead hands," would just shoot once and connect with one of those who are now the enemy, the opposition would run out of people, real quick, would they not? Something to think about, pleasant dreams to those on the other side who want to take our guns.

Scott Eddy, Warsaw via e-mailÊÊÊ

Social Security

Editor, Times-Union:
Social Security was established to assist in one's retirement. We are expected to provide the "base" for ourselves.

This being true, why does SS penalize us? I receive a pension from the private sector. When I turn 62 years old, this pension is lowered by $100. SS then deducts 2/3 of the remainder of this pension, from my earned SS amount. This results in nearly a $500 a month loss to me. I've financially planned for my retirement, but the last several years our government's laws have jeopardized my plan.

Our government employees cannot relate to this because they have a different, more lucrative retirement plan. Even our state level government reps get our money for themselves. Where else can one save one dollar and then take four more dollars to "match" it from us, the taxpayers? It is the same as United Way's Robin Hood theory of take from those that have worked for it, and give to those who haven't. No doubt about it, we ARE "Socialism." Wake up workers of America. Our government is taking us big-time. Please don't be stupid enough to let this continue. We're paying now, we WILL pay more later.

Dennis G. Lundgren, Warsaw

Hunting And Fishing Day

Editor, Times-Union:
Few will argue that hunting and fishing have been valued American traditions. But, increasingly today, there are those who argue that these sports have outlived their relevance and should go the way of the dinosaur and the horse and buggy.

For anyone familiar with the role of the sportsman in shaping and driving our nation's conservation movement, an end to the hunting tradition in America is an alarming and discouraging thought. With the fourth Saturday in September designated as National Hunting & Fishing Day, there may be no more appropriate time to comment on the past and future role of hunting in America.

It was an avid hunter and outdoorsman, Theodore Roosevelt, who helped to launch the conservation movement. President Roosevelt established the nation's first national wildlife refuge and since that time hunters and anglers have followed his lead, supporting special license fees and taxes on equipment in order to fund conservation efforts. Over the years, this group of Americans has contributed more than $18 billion to environmental protection programs, which in turn, have led to the remarkable resurgence of many native species of wildlife, including the white-tailed deer, wood duck, wild turkey and elk.

For various and complex reasons, hunting enthusiasts like myself often have an immediate and intense reaction to anyone who questions the validity of the hunting tradition. This reaction is often expressed in an energetic and often counter-productive refusal to change. In the struggles for public opinion and acceptance, however, intransigence rarely wins the day.

As hunters, we have a responsibility to be honest in our approach to the current debate on the hunting tradition. We must be honest in admitting our imperfections. We continue to do all we can to eliminate the abuses committed by a few people who profess to be hunters but who are, in fact, not worthy of our hunting tradition. In return, our opponents should do the responsible thing by acknowledging our past conservation accomplishments as do most major conservation organizations and admit the legitimacy of our presence in the outdoors.

Hunting in America is, indeed, a tradition in transition ... and a tradition worth preserving. May all of you have a safe and prosperous hunting season here in Indiana.

Michael Houze, Leesburg

Football Field

Editor, Times-Union:
First of all let me congratulate Warsaw's football team on a tremendous season so far. Their commitment to becoming a high caliber team and their hard work are paying off.

I would also like to give them a hand for accomplishing what they have while using the facilities that are available to them. As a former athlete at the high school I had to deal with these facilities and feel that I can accurately describe them.

For those of the community that aren't aware of the current situation let me explain. Warsaw Community High School's football and track "stadium" is one of the worst in the area. While the high school's football team has turned itself into a force to be reckoned with and the track team sends all-state quality athletes to the state track meet every year, they are forced to practice and compete on sub-par facilities. The track, for example, is made up of layers of ground-up rubber to form the running surface. It is so worn down, though, that I can remember during one track practice, a coach pulling a whole fan belt out of the track because it was sticking out enough to catch someone's foot while they were running. Imagine an athlete or a runner from the community suddenly snagging his foot and crashing onto the track because their foot was held fast by this fan belt sticking out of the track. The track surface itself is the main cause for most of the injuries that track athletes suffer. Even when we would stretch and warm up on the football field, runners have to be careful where they would run so that they wouldn't twist an ankle on the rutted field.

While I don't know what the school corporation's financial situation is, I have to ask the question, why must Warsaw's athletes continue to put up with these conditions? Warsaw Community High School is one of the nicest buildings and campuses in the northern part of Indiana. Couldn't they justify a new stadium in the number of reduced injuries, the time saved by not having athletes drive or run a couple of miles to be able to practice, and wouldn't a newer, more fan-friendly stadium actually bring in more fans and more revenue?

Once again, congratulations to the football team on a great season. To all the other fall sports teams at the high school, good luck and keep up the good work.

Justin Rice, via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
This letter is addressed to the people who stopped to help our daughter who was injured in a four-wheeler accident Sunday afternoon. We don't know all your names, but we want to thank you all. The lady who called 911, the people who helped to hold her still as she was in a lot of pain. The guy on the Harley who rode up our driveway to alert us. The MTEMS personnel and emergency room staff who gave such prompt and expert service. Our daughter is home now and recovering well thanks to all of you! May God bless you all!

Don, Darci and Ashli Zolman, via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
To make a mistake is human. I believe everybody on this earth is human. I also believe everybody deserves a second chance.

Everyone has good qualities if a person will only take the time to look beyond "skin deep." Wouldn't our world be a happier existence if everybody would show kindness, patience and love for our fellow humans?

Karen Fisher, Warsaw

Mad TV

Editor, Times-Union:
I would like to comment on a very popular comedy show, Mad TV. My mother and I were watching Mad TV together on Saturday evening. We traditionally watch it on the weekends to watch a segment of the show called "Stuart." We were watching the rest of the show on Saturday evening, when they did a fake skit about an upcoming Britney Spears video.

At the beginning of the skit, it was funny. However, toward the end of the skit, it became quite inappropriate. The actress was pleading for her father to sexually abuse her. This is not at all funny, but ask yourself, "What is considered funny nowadays?" What many people find entertaining today is sick and perverted.

Jennifer Whitaker, age 11, Warsaw

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- God - Dalton - Opportunity Dashed - Gun Control - Social Security - Hunting And Fishing Day - Football Field - Samaritans - Mistakes - Mad TV


Editor, Times-Union:
Ê I would like to let Dennerick Flores and David Hoskins know who God is ... God is Lord Almighty, Omnipotent King, Lion of Judah, Rock of Ages, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Provider, Protector, Paternal, Leader Ruling Lord and Reigning King of all the universe. He is Father, He is Helper, He is Guardian and He is God. He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End. He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all He keeps. The Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is and He always will be. Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated and never Undone. He was bruised and bought healing. He was pierced and eased pain. He was persecuted and bought freedom. He was dead and bought life. He is risen and brings power. He reigns and brings Peace.

The world can't understand him, the armies can't defeat him, the schools can't explain Him and the leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't confuse Him and the people couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him, Hitler couldn't silence Him, the New Age can't replace Him and Donahue can't explain Him away! He is Light, Love, Longevity and Lord. He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness and God. He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful and Pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal, His will is unchanging and His mind is on me! He is my Savior, He is my Guide, He is my Peace. He is my Joy, He is my Comfort. He is my Lord and He rules my life. I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and the sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come. ... And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME! He will never leave me, never forsake me, never mislead me, never forget me, never overlook me and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book! When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He forgives. When I am weak, He is strong. When I am lost, He is the way. When I am afraid, He is my courage. When I stumble, He steadies me. When I am hurt, He heals me. When I am broken, He mends me. When I am blind, He leads me. When I am hungry, He feeds me. When I face trials, He is with me. When I face persecution, He shields me. When I face problems, He comforts me. When I face loss, He provides for me. When I face death, He carries me Home! He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time and every way. He is God, He is faithful, I am His and He is mine. My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world, and so, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this: He said it, I believe it and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul. Everyday is a blessing for GOD IS! Now doesn't that get you excited?

Alice Nabinger, Pierceton via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
I am amazed that our forefathers allowed a foundry to be built so near a resort community and residential areas. (The Winona Hotel dates from 1895 and our home from 1905.) While I would love to see an end to the noise, dirt, odor and pollution caused by Dalton Foundry, I hope it prospers for the sake of its employees.

Hopefully management will do all it can to exceed legal mandates, making Dalton Foundry a better neighbor and improving our quality of life.

Debra Wilcoxson, Winona Lake

Opportunity Dashed

Editor, Times-Union:
Hello Warsaw! Normally, I do not interfere in others' affairs too often. I'm usually more of a listener. However, some things can't be ignored.

I've been away from Warsaw for about 6 years because I served in the United States Army. I've visited and have lived in many different places throughout the U.S. I have seen and met many, let's say, different people along with their beliefs. I came to the conclusion that Warsaw was a better place to go back to.

The Great USA, land of opportunity and dreams, well, unless you're in front of the BZA (Board of Zoning Appeals). This very small group of people determines a person's future, as I have seen, based on garbage.

This letter is in my support of Jeannie Williams and her dreams of a tattoo parlor here in wonderful Warsaw. I have seen many tattoo parlors and you'd be surprised of some of the customers who go. Some of the best and most well-respected people go in there. This is art and can also be family-oriented. Most tattoo parlors I knew of sold novelty items, candles, children's toys and much more. There is nothing X-rated about a tattoo parlor. For God's sake, this is a woman's dream of her future. We only live one life, there is no harm. Let her do it. If we shut down every business in Warsaw because of the type of people that go in them, well, better close down Warsaw then, because there's always going to be a Marilyn Manson in every group, but Warsaw as a whole is good.

There is one certain business in Warsaw which I know is in zoning violation, but because it was there before the zoning laws they are allowed to stay. This place is located right next to a church and is close to the police station. One of their employees was arrested for prostitution a few months ago. This is not a family-oriented business in Warsaw and yet it's still in the heart of Warsaw, brightly advertised. So Warsaw, I ask that you reconsider this woman's plea and give her that dream and opportunity the U.S. promised her. Focus your energy on the bad things in Warsaw - the X-rated things. The woman has a dream, let her live it.

Marc Denz, Warsaw

Gun Control

Editor, Times-Union:
Read the letter to the editor by Mr. Huffman, good letter, I wish to add a few more thoughts. While somebody was talking numbers, 1 percent is 2,750,000 now this number exceeds the number of all the U.S. military and all related law enforcement agencies personnel now employed. The last I remember reading something in USA Today a while back, now with our benevolent law makers in D.C., who it seems are doing their best to take away our guns, I pose this question. Let's say that the anti-gunners get their way, gun confiscation is enacted, the military and law enforcement are ordered by Mr. Slick Willie himself under one of his famous executive orders to round up the gun owners who are considered a serious threat (competitive shooters, those with handgun licenses and those with current hunting licenses - Hitler did this, who says it can't happen again) then confiscation of firearms from the other people. Now back to numbers, let's say 3 percent of the population say F-Y and resist, the government's side is already out-numbered 3-1 now. Current military studies have pointed out that in partisan-guerrilla operations it takes sometimes a 30-1 ratio to hunt them down and stop their operations. Now with that in mind, if everybody who says the famous saying, "They won't get my gun until they pry it out of my cold dead hands," would just shoot once and connect with one of those who are now the enemy, the opposition would run out of people, real quick, would they not? Something to think about, pleasant dreams to those on the other side who want to take our guns.

Scott Eddy, Warsaw via e-mailÊÊÊ

Social Security

Editor, Times-Union:
Social Security was established to assist in one's retirement. We are expected to provide the "base" for ourselves.

This being true, why does SS penalize us? I receive a pension from the private sector. When I turn 62 years old, this pension is lowered by $100. SS then deducts 2/3 of the remainder of this pension, from my earned SS amount. This results in nearly a $500 a month loss to me. I've financially planned for my retirement, but the last several years our government's laws have jeopardized my plan.

Our government employees cannot relate to this because they have a different, more lucrative retirement plan. Even our state level government reps get our money for themselves. Where else can one save one dollar and then take four more dollars to "match" it from us, the taxpayers? It is the same as United Way's Robin Hood theory of take from those that have worked for it, and give to those who haven't. No doubt about it, we ARE "Socialism." Wake up workers of America. Our government is taking us big-time. Please don't be stupid enough to let this continue. We're paying now, we WILL pay more later.

Dennis G. Lundgren, Warsaw

Hunting And Fishing Day

Editor, Times-Union:
Few will argue that hunting and fishing have been valued American traditions. But, increasingly today, there are those who argue that these sports have outlived their relevance and should go the way of the dinosaur and the horse and buggy.

For anyone familiar with the role of the sportsman in shaping and driving our nation's conservation movement, an end to the hunting tradition in America is an alarming and discouraging thought. With the fourth Saturday in September designated as National Hunting & Fishing Day, there may be no more appropriate time to comment on the past and future role of hunting in America.

It was an avid hunter and outdoorsman, Theodore Roosevelt, who helped to launch the conservation movement. President Roosevelt established the nation's first national wildlife refuge and since that time hunters and anglers have followed his lead, supporting special license fees and taxes on equipment in order to fund conservation efforts. Over the years, this group of Americans has contributed more than $18 billion to environmental protection programs, which in turn, have led to the remarkable resurgence of many native species of wildlife, including the white-tailed deer, wood duck, wild turkey and elk.

For various and complex reasons, hunting enthusiasts like myself often have an immediate and intense reaction to anyone who questions the validity of the hunting tradition. This reaction is often expressed in an energetic and often counter-productive refusal to change. In the struggles for public opinion and acceptance, however, intransigence rarely wins the day.

As hunters, we have a responsibility to be honest in our approach to the current debate on the hunting tradition. We must be honest in admitting our imperfections. We continue to do all we can to eliminate the abuses committed by a few people who profess to be hunters but who are, in fact, not worthy of our hunting tradition. In return, our opponents should do the responsible thing by acknowledging our past conservation accomplishments as do most major conservation organizations and admit the legitimacy of our presence in the outdoors.

Hunting in America is, indeed, a tradition in transition ... and a tradition worth preserving. May all of you have a safe and prosperous hunting season here in Indiana.

Michael Houze, Leesburg

Football Field

Editor, Times-Union:
First of all let me congratulate Warsaw's football team on a tremendous season so far. Their commitment to becoming a high caliber team and their hard work are paying off.

I would also like to give them a hand for accomplishing what they have while using the facilities that are available to them. As a former athlete at the high school I had to deal with these facilities and feel that I can accurately describe them.

For those of the community that aren't aware of the current situation let me explain. Warsaw Community High School's football and track "stadium" is one of the worst in the area. While the high school's football team has turned itself into a force to be reckoned with and the track team sends all-state quality athletes to the state track meet every year, they are forced to practice and compete on sub-par facilities. The track, for example, is made up of layers of ground-up rubber to form the running surface. It is so worn down, though, that I can remember during one track practice, a coach pulling a whole fan belt out of the track because it was sticking out enough to catch someone's foot while they were running. Imagine an athlete or a runner from the community suddenly snagging his foot and crashing onto the track because their foot was held fast by this fan belt sticking out of the track. The track surface itself is the main cause for most of the injuries that track athletes suffer. Even when we would stretch and warm up on the football field, runners have to be careful where they would run so that they wouldn't twist an ankle on the rutted field.

While I don't know what the school corporation's financial situation is, I have to ask the question, why must Warsaw's athletes continue to put up with these conditions? Warsaw Community High School is one of the nicest buildings and campuses in the northern part of Indiana. Couldn't they justify a new stadium in the number of reduced injuries, the time saved by not having athletes drive or run a couple of miles to be able to practice, and wouldn't a newer, more fan-friendly stadium actually bring in more fans and more revenue?

Once again, congratulations to the football team on a great season. To all the other fall sports teams at the high school, good luck and keep up the good work.

Justin Rice, via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
This letter is addressed to the people who stopped to help our daughter who was injured in a four-wheeler accident Sunday afternoon. We don't know all your names, but we want to thank you all. The lady who called 911, the people who helped to hold her still as she was in a lot of pain. The guy on the Harley who rode up our driveway to alert us. The MTEMS personnel and emergency room staff who gave such prompt and expert service. Our daughter is home now and recovering well thanks to all of you! May God bless you all!

Don, Darci and Ashli Zolman, via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
To make a mistake is human. I believe everybody on this earth is human. I also believe everybody deserves a second chance.

Everyone has good qualities if a person will only take the time to look beyond "skin deep." Wouldn't our world be a happier existence if everybody would show kindness, patience and love for our fellow humans?

Karen Fisher, Warsaw

Mad TV

Editor, Times-Union:
I would like to comment on a very popular comedy show, Mad TV. My mother and I were watching Mad TV together on Saturday evening. We traditionally watch it on the weekends to watch a segment of the show called "Stuart." We were watching the rest of the show on Saturday evening, when they did a fake skit about an upcoming Britney Spears video.

At the beginning of the skit, it was funny. However, toward the end of the skit, it became quite inappropriate. The actress was pleading for her father to sexually abuse her. This is not at all funny, but ask yourself, "What is considered funny nowadays?" What many people find entertaining today is sick and perverted.

Jennifer Whitaker, age 11, Warsaw

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