Letters to the Editor 07-16-2002

July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

By -

- Laws And Freedom - What's Unconstitutional? - Appalling Decision - Fighting Terrorism - First Christian Says Thanks - Recycling

Laws And Freedom

Editor, Times-Union:
I just finished reading Gary Gerards' column about motorcycle helmets, and was pleased to read that he is opposed to helmet laws. I was also disappointed that he didn't go on to explain how equally un-American seat belt laws are! I think it is a shame that there are groups out there "gearing up" to introduce helmet legislation, when instead they should be trying to repeal seatbelt laws. Nobody is foolish enough to argue that wearing a seatbelt isn't a good idea or that it doesn't saves lives, but you can't make a new law every time someone gets killed or hurt! People do dangerous things every day, sometimes for fun, skydiving, autoracing, etc. As long as they are endangering only themselves, so be it. Those freedoms are what make this country great! What if some cop would have told the Wright brothers they couldn't build a plane because it was too dangerous, and if they wrecked and broke their necks they would become a "public burden"! There are fates worse than death, and one of them is the loss of one's freedoms. Has this country become so soft and scared that we can no longer say "Give me liberty or give me death"? I say give me liberty, and I'll take my chances!

Derik Cordill
North Manchester
via e-mail

What's Unconstitutional?

Editor, Times-Union:
On the evening of July 4, I had the pleasure of witnessing the Boston Pops Orchestra on television when it presented a wonderfully thrilling and patriotic program along with what I believe to be one of the greatest and most spectacular fireworks display that this country has ever known. The program introduced an adorable 8-year-old girl who had written and sang her lovely version of "The Pledge of Allegiance," and when the little singer mentioned the words, "under God," the audience shouted a loud cheer of approval.

It's amazing how some bitter atheist and a high-powered judge of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court will try their best to destroy the image of a thing as dynamically patriotic and sacred as "The Pledge of Allegiance" by insisting that the Pledge is unconstitutional because it includes the words, "under God." Well I, for one, can't see that either the atheist or the judge will go far with his heathenish attempts. The masses consist of too many citizens who are basically too patriotically zealous, devout and flag-waving to put up with the stupid, asinine shenanigans that atheist Newdow and Judge Goodwin are guilty of. Newdow was griping about the school cramming "The Pledge of Allegiance" down his daughter's throat. Well, if Newdow doesn't want his daughter to have to put up with "The Pledge of Allegiance" and those "awful" words, "under God," then why doesn't he just tell his daughter that whenever her classmates at school recite "The Pledge of Allegiance," she should just plug up her ears and turn her back on the whole procedure until the pledge has been recited?

On the other hand, as regards the word "unconstitutional," I wonder if atheist Newdow and Judge Goodwin realize that, according to their belief, if "The Pledge of Allegiance" using the words, "under God" is unconstitutional, then shouldn't all coins and paper currency bearing the phrase, "In God We Trust" also be considered "unconstitutional"? But I doubt if Newdow or Goodwin have allowed themselves to think too heavily on that score. After all, mankind has to have money on which to survive, and they're are no exceptions, although I don't know how those two radicals can stand to touch any "unconstitutional" legal tender bearing those "horrible" words, "In God We Trust."

In closing, when you're in the mood to ponder, you might consider this: Wouldn't it be catastrophic if, on account of the motto "In God We Trust," the government would judge money to be unconstitutional, therefore deemed worthless? Boy! If that happened, I'd hate to think what this nation would be up against.

Don Kaiser

Appalling Decision

Editor, Times-Union:
The Constitution of the United States says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble for a redress of grievances."

In thinking about this and the recent decision about one person wanting the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, I find the court's decision appalling.

The basic concepts for the formation of the government of this country were founded on the belief that we do have a Creator, God, whose love for us provides these very freedoms. The decision of that court not only violates the basic freedom of free speech but forces the majority to kowtow to the wishes of a very small minority. It is just one more step to whittle away our rights to use the word "God" in any form.

We have enough problems in this country without making more.

American citizens are losing freedoms by very subtle ways, and this is just one of those incidences. I urge all concerned persons to write or call their representatives, senators, our president and the Supreme Court to decry the loss of basic tenets of this God-given country.

United we stand; divided we fall. God bless America.

Joyce Phaneuf
Epworth Forest

Fighting Terrorism

Editor, Times-Union:
Federal Government Officials,

If airline pilots had been armed, 9/11 would never have occurred, of course we would not have known the tragedy we had avoided. Airline pilots need to be armed to protect themselves and their passengers, and not a stun gun, that is ridiculous. If they can't be trusted with a gun, then they should not be an airline pilot. The chances of a pilot going berserk is as likely as a senator, representative, president, vice president or any other high government official going berserk. You have become very paranoid over the terrorist situation, using knee-jerk reactions to make the public think you are solving the problem. You will not let the pilots be armed; you federalize the people who check our carry-on items. They will do no better job than a civilian employee, but they are on the federal payroll, eligible for a retirement program, vacation time, sick leave and health insurance. The government has no money to pay anyone, has no means to make money; they must collect from the taxpayers, we have to pay for it. The same thing with sky marshals, when a better, safer and cheaper method is arming of the cockpit crew of our airliners, at no additional cost.

What are you doing with the items you no longer let us take on the planes? Why are not provisions made whereby we can return them to our homes by mail? To me that is stealing. Are they destroyed or given to the checkers to take home? That would still be better than destroying them. I always used to have a pocket knife to open up my bag of potato chips or peanuts we were given. You have never taken an item from a possible hijacker, only from law-abiding persons riding the planes. A few months ago on a trip to Mexico and Copper Canyon, the woman checker in Houston took a pick, a hair comb from my wife, which had belonged to her mother and was an antique because it had short metal teeth instead of the plastic they now use. I guess you can't be too careful, after all we belong to the typical terrorist profile, both over 80 years old. Some of Osama Bin Laden's plans have already been accomplished due to some of the actions our government has taken.

In a few weeks we will be taking a trip to Europe and Russia, I want the pilots on my plane to be armed. If we are hijacked by terrorists and we and the other passengers lose our lives, our blood will be on your hands for not arming the pilots. Of course you will not pay for it, or be considered responsible, even though it will be because of your decision and lack of proper action. You can do all kinds of checking, but the terrorists are smart, cunning and plan well, whether we like it or not, they will manage to get on a plan if they see a way to make their plan work, then it will be up to the pilots to save themselves and their passengers. Anything they do will be well-planned and only activated if they believe it can be accomplished.

Wallace W. Huffman

First Christian Says Thanks

Editor, Times-Union:
In behalf of the First Christian Church family of believers, I would like to express our deep gratitude for everyone in the Kosciusko County community who has offered prayers, counseling assistance and other assistance during the time of our deep grief. The van/semi-truck crash last Wednesday which took the life of one of our precious children and injured 10 other children and our beloved children's minister, Scott Smiley, has caused us to dig deep into the vault of our faith and hold on securely to Him who is able to do all things. Every day (almost every hour) since the accident I have received phone calls and e-mails from fellow Christians from South Bend, Fort Wayne, Woodburn, Goshen, Winona Lake, Syracuse, Rochester, Etna Green, Mentone, Milford and Warsaw offering their condolences and help. Prayers have been offered on the phone by fellow pastors and their concern and compassion are deeply appreciated by myself, our elders, our staff and entire church family. We have even received prayers and offers of assistance from Indianapolis, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Virginia and Florida. How grateful we are to serve a mighty God whose people are always ready to lend a hand to brothers and sisters in need.

We also want to thank the Times-Union for factual coverage of the accident and for sending a reporter to our news conference to make certain of those facts. Not all media have been so kind and we appreciate you.

This is indeed a caring community and we are grateful for every offer of assistance. Several counselors have offered assistance for our young people and we want to thank them for their generosity. As our needs are determined we shall accept your offers as they fit those needs. We praise God for each of you and your concern.

Ronnie Sams, Senior Pastor

First Christian Church
via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
After I read the article about the loss of recycling facilities, I was so upset I had to wait several days to write this letter. Does the Solid Waste District Board not understand its role? God says we are to be good stewards. Does this not apply to our Earth? We take and take from this Earth and at some point there will be no more to take. I consider the services of the Solid Waste District to be very valuable and consider the current taxes to be very small. The board was advised last year that it would be in financial trouble this year, yet they choose to do away with valuable services instead of taking steps to correct this situation. At least one person comes up for election this year. Take note.

Tara Still
via e-mail

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- Laws And Freedom - What's Unconstitutional? - Appalling Decision - Fighting Terrorism - First Christian Says Thanks - Recycling

Laws And Freedom

Editor, Times-Union:
I just finished reading Gary Gerards' column about motorcycle helmets, and was pleased to read that he is opposed to helmet laws. I was also disappointed that he didn't go on to explain how equally un-American seat belt laws are! I think it is a shame that there are groups out there "gearing up" to introduce helmet legislation, when instead they should be trying to repeal seatbelt laws. Nobody is foolish enough to argue that wearing a seatbelt isn't a good idea or that it doesn't saves lives, but you can't make a new law every time someone gets killed or hurt! People do dangerous things every day, sometimes for fun, skydiving, autoracing, etc. As long as they are endangering only themselves, so be it. Those freedoms are what make this country great! What if some cop would have told the Wright brothers they couldn't build a plane because it was too dangerous, and if they wrecked and broke their necks they would become a "public burden"! There are fates worse than death, and one of them is the loss of one's freedoms. Has this country become so soft and scared that we can no longer say "Give me liberty or give me death"? I say give me liberty, and I'll take my chances!

Derik Cordill
North Manchester
via e-mail

What's Unconstitutional?

Editor, Times-Union:
On the evening of July 4, I had the pleasure of witnessing the Boston Pops Orchestra on television when it presented a wonderfully thrilling and patriotic program along with what I believe to be one of the greatest and most spectacular fireworks display that this country has ever known. The program introduced an adorable 8-year-old girl who had written and sang her lovely version of "The Pledge of Allegiance," and when the little singer mentioned the words, "under God," the audience shouted a loud cheer of approval.

It's amazing how some bitter atheist and a high-powered judge of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court will try their best to destroy the image of a thing as dynamically patriotic and sacred as "The Pledge of Allegiance" by insisting that the Pledge is unconstitutional because it includes the words, "under God." Well I, for one, can't see that either the atheist or the judge will go far with his heathenish attempts. The masses consist of too many citizens who are basically too patriotically zealous, devout and flag-waving to put up with the stupid, asinine shenanigans that atheist Newdow and Judge Goodwin are guilty of. Newdow was griping about the school cramming "The Pledge of Allegiance" down his daughter's throat. Well, if Newdow doesn't want his daughter to have to put up with "The Pledge of Allegiance" and those "awful" words, "under God," then why doesn't he just tell his daughter that whenever her classmates at school recite "The Pledge of Allegiance," she should just plug up her ears and turn her back on the whole procedure until the pledge has been recited?

On the other hand, as regards the word "unconstitutional," I wonder if atheist Newdow and Judge Goodwin realize that, according to their belief, if "The Pledge of Allegiance" using the words, "under God" is unconstitutional, then shouldn't all coins and paper currency bearing the phrase, "In God We Trust" also be considered "unconstitutional"? But I doubt if Newdow or Goodwin have allowed themselves to think too heavily on that score. After all, mankind has to have money on which to survive, and they're are no exceptions, although I don't know how those two radicals can stand to touch any "unconstitutional" legal tender bearing those "horrible" words, "In God We Trust."

In closing, when you're in the mood to ponder, you might consider this: Wouldn't it be catastrophic if, on account of the motto "In God We Trust," the government would judge money to be unconstitutional, therefore deemed worthless? Boy! If that happened, I'd hate to think what this nation would be up against.

Don Kaiser

Appalling Decision

Editor, Times-Union:
The Constitution of the United States says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble for a redress of grievances."

In thinking about this and the recent decision about one person wanting the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, I find the court's decision appalling.

The basic concepts for the formation of the government of this country were founded on the belief that we do have a Creator, God, whose love for us provides these very freedoms. The decision of that court not only violates the basic freedom of free speech but forces the majority to kowtow to the wishes of a very small minority. It is just one more step to whittle away our rights to use the word "God" in any form.

We have enough problems in this country without making more.

American citizens are losing freedoms by very subtle ways, and this is just one of those incidences. I urge all concerned persons to write or call their representatives, senators, our president and the Supreme Court to decry the loss of basic tenets of this God-given country.

United we stand; divided we fall. God bless America.

Joyce Phaneuf
Epworth Forest

Fighting Terrorism

Editor, Times-Union:
Federal Government Officials,

If airline pilots had been armed, 9/11 would never have occurred, of course we would not have known the tragedy we had avoided. Airline pilots need to be armed to protect themselves and their passengers, and not a stun gun, that is ridiculous. If they can't be trusted with a gun, then they should not be an airline pilot. The chances of a pilot going berserk is as likely as a senator, representative, president, vice president or any other high government official going berserk. You have become very paranoid over the terrorist situation, using knee-jerk reactions to make the public think you are solving the problem. You will not let the pilots be armed; you federalize the people who check our carry-on items. They will do no better job than a civilian employee, but they are on the federal payroll, eligible for a retirement program, vacation time, sick leave and health insurance. The government has no money to pay anyone, has no means to make money; they must collect from the taxpayers, we have to pay for it. The same thing with sky marshals, when a better, safer and cheaper method is arming of the cockpit crew of our airliners, at no additional cost.

What are you doing with the items you no longer let us take on the planes? Why are not provisions made whereby we can return them to our homes by mail? To me that is stealing. Are they destroyed or given to the checkers to take home? That would still be better than destroying them. I always used to have a pocket knife to open up my bag of potato chips or peanuts we were given. You have never taken an item from a possible hijacker, only from law-abiding persons riding the planes. A few months ago on a trip to Mexico and Copper Canyon, the woman checker in Houston took a pick, a hair comb from my wife, which had belonged to her mother and was an antique because it had short metal teeth instead of the plastic they now use. I guess you can't be too careful, after all we belong to the typical terrorist profile, both over 80 years old. Some of Osama Bin Laden's plans have already been accomplished due to some of the actions our government has taken.

In a few weeks we will be taking a trip to Europe and Russia, I want the pilots on my plane to be armed. If we are hijacked by terrorists and we and the other passengers lose our lives, our blood will be on your hands for not arming the pilots. Of course you will not pay for it, or be considered responsible, even though it will be because of your decision and lack of proper action. You can do all kinds of checking, but the terrorists are smart, cunning and plan well, whether we like it or not, they will manage to get on a plan if they see a way to make their plan work, then it will be up to the pilots to save themselves and their passengers. Anything they do will be well-planned and only activated if they believe it can be accomplished.

Wallace W. Huffman

First Christian Says Thanks

Editor, Times-Union:
In behalf of the First Christian Church family of believers, I would like to express our deep gratitude for everyone in the Kosciusko County community who has offered prayers, counseling assistance and other assistance during the time of our deep grief. The van/semi-truck crash last Wednesday which took the life of one of our precious children and injured 10 other children and our beloved children's minister, Scott Smiley, has caused us to dig deep into the vault of our faith and hold on securely to Him who is able to do all things. Every day (almost every hour) since the accident I have received phone calls and e-mails from fellow Christians from South Bend, Fort Wayne, Woodburn, Goshen, Winona Lake, Syracuse, Rochester, Etna Green, Mentone, Milford and Warsaw offering their condolences and help. Prayers have been offered on the phone by fellow pastors and their concern and compassion are deeply appreciated by myself, our elders, our staff and entire church family. We have even received prayers and offers of assistance from Indianapolis, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Virginia and Florida. How grateful we are to serve a mighty God whose people are always ready to lend a hand to brothers and sisters in need.

We also want to thank the Times-Union for factual coverage of the accident and for sending a reporter to our news conference to make certain of those facts. Not all media have been so kind and we appreciate you.

This is indeed a caring community and we are grateful for every offer of assistance. Several counselors have offered assistance for our young people and we want to thank them for their generosity. As our needs are determined we shall accept your offers as they fit those needs. We praise God for each of you and your concern.

Ronnie Sams, Senior Pastor

First Christian Church
via e-mail


Editor, Times-Union:
After I read the article about the loss of recycling facilities, I was so upset I had to wait several days to write this letter. Does the Solid Waste District Board not understand its role? God says we are to be good stewards. Does this not apply to our Earth? We take and take from this Earth and at some point there will be no more to take. I consider the services of the Solid Waste District to be very valuable and consider the current taxes to be very small. The board was advised last year that it would be in financial trouble this year, yet they choose to do away with valuable services instead of taking steps to correct this situation. At least one person comes up for election this year. Take note.

Tara Still
via e-mail

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