Letters to the Editor 03-22-2004

July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

By -

- Demo Attack - Eric Miller - Thanks, Colin Powell - Thanks - Bush Ads - Words From The Bible

Demo Attack

Editor, Times-Union:
I was greatly disappointed to read a local prominent Democrat's, Jay Rigdon's, shrill attack on President Bush's character. It seems that Democrats like John Kerry and Mr. Rigdon would prefer that our nation forget the terrorist attacks of September 11th, and would rather attack President Bush. To ignore that tragic day would be a dangerous national security policy and would increase the likelihood of future terrorism. The reason that Democrats prefer to ignore September 11th is that they refuse to give President Bush the credit he deserves for the tremendous leadership he provided to all Americans after that dark moment in our nation's history. President Bush proved himself to be a strong and true leader after September 11th, and his leadership should be something all Americans consider when we vote in November.

Mr. Rigdon even attacks President Bush by criticizing "innocent casualties" caused by our troops in Iraq. If Democrats like Rigdon and Kerry are so concerned about "innocent casualties," why aren't they attacking Saddam Hussein for the tens of thousands of "innocent casualties" found in his mass graves or his chemical weapons attacks on Kurdish men, women and children?

While Kerry and other Democrats repeatedly attack President Bush, they do not tell us how they will better secure our nation. First, Kerry supported the use of force against Iraq, but now he opposes it. Kerry suggests that the United Nations should decide when the United States takes military action. That naive foreign policy, of course, fails to consider that the leaders of other nations on the UN Security Council, like France, may place their own economic interests and politcal agendas ahead of the national security interests of the United States.

The recent train bombings in Madrid make it clear that the war against terrorism is far from over. The real question this election year is: who do you trust to best secure our nation? I trust President Bush to best secure our nation and protect my family. His leadership has been tested, and he has led us well. I cannot put that same trust in people who think like John Kerry and Mr. Rigdon. After September 11th, many rank-and-file Democrats said they were glad that George W. Bush, and not Al Gore, was our president. The same applies to John Kerry and the other Democratic leaders who want to ignore September 11th and hand our national security over to the United Nations. As we continue this struggle against the terrorists, I'll take the leadership of George W. Bush any day.

Bob Durgin
Winona Lake
via e-mail

Eric Miller

Editor, Times-Union:
The primary election day is 50 days away (May 4, 2004). We have several items to care for before then in our quest to have Eric Miller win the Republican primary as the candidate for governor of the state of Indiana.

We will be meeting on Tuesday March 23 at 7 p.m. at the Kosciusko County Community Foundation community meeting room to discuss and make plans to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Place over 500 yard signs throughout the county on April 3 & 4

2. Install 100 4' by 8' two sided Eric Miller signs throughout the county

3. Prepare 5,000 postcards for mailing by April 17

4. Make arrangements to have Miller signs and volunteers at the polling sites on May 4.

To accomplish these tasks, we need many willing people to assist. You say that the political process is to big and that one person can't make a difference. This is our opportunity to prove that one person can make a difference.

Eric Miller has prepared for the governor's office for the last 23 years. He has worked hard. His stands on the issues are well known:

He will defend marriage as a union of a man and a women

He will defend the sanctity of life for all Hooisers

He will bring common-sense solutions to government agencies like BMV and FSSA

He will build a business climate that brings and keeps jobs in Indiana

He will protect homeowners from massive property taxes.

Now is our time to say thank-you for his work.

Please attend this meeting to learn ways you can assist. Bring your friends. This is a great learning experience for students in imddle school, high school and college.

Please respond to this message letting me know of your plans to help. I can also be reached by telephone at 268-1207 or e-mail

[email protected]

Thanks for getting involved. This election is about you.

John Elliott
via e-mail

Thanks, Colin Powell

Editor, Times Union:
Thank God for Colin Powell! What a refreshing "voice of truth and good sense" among all the "lying political wonders" screaming at us Americans via the media these days!

On March 14, we heard Sec. Powell saying again that our government (along with the U.N.) had ample information on what was going on in Iraq and what Iran is now up to! He assured us of the wisdom our government leaders had in forcibly removing Saddam Hussein and his mass-murdering thugs in Iraq just in time when we did! Wonder - the debate still drones on and on - among aspiring politicians, dutifully reported by our "unbiased" news media!

Late "real news" from Iraq! Two weeks ago an Army officer from near Washington, D.C., just back from Iraq showed us a DVD right here in our home. We saw pictures of thousands of tons of big missiles and tanks sent to Iraq from France and Germany (bought by oil money) ready to use against the "enemies" of Iraq! Our Army has confiscated them and they are in transit to various U.S. Army bases here in America! That's the safest place for them that I can think of. Truthfully, Mr. Powell, we did act, "just in time," with no time to spare. Yet the debate "still drones on" as if it were yet an "open question!"

We should bow our heads and thank God and our leaders he gave us, "for such a time as this!" And thank you, Colin Powell!

Bob and Jodie Boggs
Winona Lake


Editor, Times Union:
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Alan Frank, Mary Hurley and the staff of Wawasee High School and Geoff Penrod and the staff of Columbia City High School for generously volunteering their time, expertise and manpower to step in and run the championship game of the Boys Basketball Sectional hosted by Warsaw Community High School on Saturday, March 6, 2004.

Their generosity allowed all of our staff and game workers to attend the Girls Basketball State Championship in Indianapolis on the same date to see the Lady Tigers participate.

We greatly appreciate their efforts and will respond in kind when the Warriors and/or Eagles are presented with the same opportunity.

Dr. Jennifer Brumfield, Principal

Dave Fulkerson, Athletic Dir.

Warsaw Community High School

Bush Ads

Editor, Times Union:
The Republican party says no one should complain about George Bush using the 9/11 photos in his re-election video, that they are not politically motivated but rather to show the effect of his leadership. With that in mind I am sure the Republican Party will not complain if John Kerry makes a video using pictures (pictures G. Bush prohibited the Defense Department from showing to the public) of 545 flag-draped caskets being carried to their final resting place. This also would not be politically motivated, just showing a different aspect of Bush's leadership.

J. Bell

Words From The Bible

Editor, Times Union:
Genesis Ch. 1, vs. 27: So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female. He created them.

Vs. 28: Then God blessed them and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it."

Leviticus Ch. 18, vs. 22: Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable.

Leviticus Ch. 20, vs. 13: If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans Ch. 1, vs. 26-27: Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for this pervasion.

First Corinthians Ch. 6 vs. 9-10: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders.

These are the facts according to God in his holy word.

The New King James Version, The Holy Bible.

Pat Caudill
Silver Lake

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- Demo Attack - Eric Miller - Thanks, Colin Powell - Thanks - Bush Ads - Words From The Bible

Demo Attack

Editor, Times-Union:
I was greatly disappointed to read a local prominent Democrat's, Jay Rigdon's, shrill attack on President Bush's character. It seems that Democrats like John Kerry and Mr. Rigdon would prefer that our nation forget the terrorist attacks of September 11th, and would rather attack President Bush. To ignore that tragic day would be a dangerous national security policy and would increase the likelihood of future terrorism. The reason that Democrats prefer to ignore September 11th is that they refuse to give President Bush the credit he deserves for the tremendous leadership he provided to all Americans after that dark moment in our nation's history. President Bush proved himself to be a strong and true leader after September 11th, and his leadership should be something all Americans consider when we vote in November.

Mr. Rigdon even attacks President Bush by criticizing "innocent casualties" caused by our troops in Iraq. If Democrats like Rigdon and Kerry are so concerned about "innocent casualties," why aren't they attacking Saddam Hussein for the tens of thousands of "innocent casualties" found in his mass graves or his chemical weapons attacks on Kurdish men, women and children?

While Kerry and other Democrats repeatedly attack President Bush, they do not tell us how they will better secure our nation. First, Kerry supported the use of force against Iraq, but now he opposes it. Kerry suggests that the United Nations should decide when the United States takes military action. That naive foreign policy, of course, fails to consider that the leaders of other nations on the UN Security Council, like France, may place their own economic interests and politcal agendas ahead of the national security interests of the United States.

The recent train bombings in Madrid make it clear that the war against terrorism is far from over. The real question this election year is: who do you trust to best secure our nation? I trust President Bush to best secure our nation and protect my family. His leadership has been tested, and he has led us well. I cannot put that same trust in people who think like John Kerry and Mr. Rigdon. After September 11th, many rank-and-file Democrats said they were glad that George W. Bush, and not Al Gore, was our president. The same applies to John Kerry and the other Democratic leaders who want to ignore September 11th and hand our national security over to the United Nations. As we continue this struggle against the terrorists, I'll take the leadership of George W. Bush any day.

Bob Durgin
Winona Lake
via e-mail

Eric Miller

Editor, Times-Union:
The primary election day is 50 days away (May 4, 2004). We have several items to care for before then in our quest to have Eric Miller win the Republican primary as the candidate for governor of the state of Indiana.

We will be meeting on Tuesday March 23 at 7 p.m. at the Kosciusko County Community Foundation community meeting room to discuss and make plans to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Place over 500 yard signs throughout the county on April 3 & 4

2. Install 100 4' by 8' two sided Eric Miller signs throughout the county

3. Prepare 5,000 postcards for mailing by April 17

4. Make arrangements to have Miller signs and volunteers at the polling sites on May 4.

To accomplish these tasks, we need many willing people to assist. You say that the political process is to big and that one person can't make a difference. This is our opportunity to prove that one person can make a difference.

Eric Miller has prepared for the governor's office for the last 23 years. He has worked hard. His stands on the issues are well known:

He will defend marriage as a union of a man and a women

He will defend the sanctity of life for all Hooisers

He will bring common-sense solutions to government agencies like BMV and FSSA

He will build a business climate that brings and keeps jobs in Indiana

He will protect homeowners from massive property taxes.

Now is our time to say thank-you for his work.

Please attend this meeting to learn ways you can assist. Bring your friends. This is a great learning experience for students in imddle school, high school and college.

Please respond to this message letting me know of your plans to help. I can also be reached by telephone at 268-1207 or e-mail

[email protected]

Thanks for getting involved. This election is about you.

John Elliott
via e-mail

Thanks, Colin Powell

Editor, Times Union:
Thank God for Colin Powell! What a refreshing "voice of truth and good sense" among all the "lying political wonders" screaming at us Americans via the media these days!

On March 14, we heard Sec. Powell saying again that our government (along with the U.N.) had ample information on what was going on in Iraq and what Iran is now up to! He assured us of the wisdom our government leaders had in forcibly removing Saddam Hussein and his mass-murdering thugs in Iraq just in time when we did! Wonder - the debate still drones on and on - among aspiring politicians, dutifully reported by our "unbiased" news media!

Late "real news" from Iraq! Two weeks ago an Army officer from near Washington, D.C., just back from Iraq showed us a DVD right here in our home. We saw pictures of thousands of tons of big missiles and tanks sent to Iraq from France and Germany (bought by oil money) ready to use against the "enemies" of Iraq! Our Army has confiscated them and they are in transit to various U.S. Army bases here in America! That's the safest place for them that I can think of. Truthfully, Mr. Powell, we did act, "just in time," with no time to spare. Yet the debate "still drones on" as if it were yet an "open question!"

We should bow our heads and thank God and our leaders he gave us, "for such a time as this!" And thank you, Colin Powell!

Bob and Jodie Boggs
Winona Lake


Editor, Times Union:
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Alan Frank, Mary Hurley and the staff of Wawasee High School and Geoff Penrod and the staff of Columbia City High School for generously volunteering their time, expertise and manpower to step in and run the championship game of the Boys Basketball Sectional hosted by Warsaw Community High School on Saturday, March 6, 2004.

Their generosity allowed all of our staff and game workers to attend the Girls Basketball State Championship in Indianapolis on the same date to see the Lady Tigers participate.

We greatly appreciate their efforts and will respond in kind when the Warriors and/or Eagles are presented with the same opportunity.

Dr. Jennifer Brumfield, Principal

Dave Fulkerson, Athletic Dir.

Warsaw Community High School

Bush Ads

Editor, Times Union:
The Republican party says no one should complain about George Bush using the 9/11 photos in his re-election video, that they are not politically motivated but rather to show the effect of his leadership. With that in mind I am sure the Republican Party will not complain if John Kerry makes a video using pictures (pictures G. Bush prohibited the Defense Department from showing to the public) of 545 flag-draped caskets being carried to their final resting place. This also would not be politically motivated, just showing a different aspect of Bush's leadership.

J. Bell

Words From The Bible

Editor, Times Union:
Genesis Ch. 1, vs. 27: So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female. He created them.

Vs. 28: Then God blessed them and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it."

Leviticus Ch. 18, vs. 22: Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable.

Leviticus Ch. 20, vs. 13: If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans Ch. 1, vs. 26-27: Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for this pervasion.

First Corinthians Ch. 6 vs. 9-10: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders.

These are the facts according to God in his holy word.

The New King James Version, The Holy Bible.

Pat Caudill
Silver Lake

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