Former Indiana Farm Bureau President Endorses Kip Tom

July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

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FORT WAYNE – Don Villwock, the long-serving former president of the Indiana Farm Bureau, has endorsed conservative businessman Kip Tom for Congress.
“I am proud to endorse my long time friend, Kip Tom, in his run for the U.S. Congress,” Villwock said in a provided press release. “Kip's passion to bring positive reforms, combined with his common sense solutions and can-do track record is just what our country needs at this critical time in our nation's history.”
“Don Villwock has been one of the strongest and most respected voices for agriculture both in our state and across our country,” Tom said. “Don Villwock is the gold standard among farmers and no one has fought harder for Indiana agriculture. I'm humbled to have Don’s support.”
Villwock was president of the Indiana Farm Bureau from 2002 until 2015. Villwock also served on the Commission on 21st Century Production Agriculture and as a member of the Farm Foundation. The Villwock farming operation in Knox County produces white corn, soybeans, seed soybeans and seed wheat.
More information on Tom can be found at[[In-content Ad]]

FORT WAYNE – Don Villwock, the long-serving former president of the Indiana Farm Bureau, has endorsed conservative businessman Kip Tom for Congress.
“I am proud to endorse my long time friend, Kip Tom, in his run for the U.S. Congress,” Villwock said in a provided press release. “Kip's passion to bring positive reforms, combined with his common sense solutions and can-do track record is just what our country needs at this critical time in our nation's history.”
“Don Villwock has been one of the strongest and most respected voices for agriculture both in our state and across our country,” Tom said. “Don Villwock is the gold standard among farmers and no one has fought harder for Indiana agriculture. I'm humbled to have Don’s support.”
Villwock was president of the Indiana Farm Bureau from 2002 until 2015. Villwock also served on the Commission on 21st Century Production Agriculture and as a member of the Farm Foundation. The Villwock farming operation in Knox County produces white corn, soybeans, seed soybeans and seed wheat.
More information on Tom can be found at[[In-content Ad]]
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