July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

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NOT TO EXCEED $4,700,000
    Upon not less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice given by telephone by or on behalf of the City of Warsaw, Indiana (the “City”), prior to February 1, 2012, the City will receive separate electronic and sealed proposals at the office of the City’s Financial Advisor, c/o Susan Clark, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-0458, (phone: 317-465-1536; facsimile: 317-465-1550; email: [email protected]) and shall consider each proposal for the purchase of revenue bonds of the City designated as “City of Warsaw, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2011” (the “Bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,700,000), bearing interest at a rate or rates not exceeding six and one-half percent (6.5%) (the exact rate or rates to be determined by bidding).  Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated on the basis of twelve (12) thirty (30)-day months for a three hundred and sixty (360)-day year and shall be payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 in each year, commencing July 1, 2012.  The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in denominations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) and any integral multiple thereof not exceeding the aggregate principal amount of such Bonds maturing in any one year, shall be numbered consecutively from 11R-1 upward, shall bear an original issue date which shall be the first day of the month in which the Bonds are delivered and shall mature serially on January 1 and July 1 of each year beginning not earlier than July 1, 2012, according to the principal maturity schedule for the Bonds, which will be provided twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of sale to those potential bidders who have requested notice thereof (following the receipt of bids and determination of the successful bidder, the City reserves the right to modify individual maturity amounts to achieve level debt service with respect to the Bonds).  Upon completion of the bidding procedures described herein, the results of the sealed, non-electronic bids received shall be compared to the electronic bids received by the City.
    Bids may be submitted electronically via BidUmbaugh, the website of the City’s Financial Advisor (“BidUmbaugh”).  Bidders may access the sale at BidUmbaugh via the sale link at Internet Address for a specified period of time on the date of sale, which is expected to be between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. (Indianapolis time) on a date prior to February 1, 2012.  To bid via BidUmbaugh, bidders must have both (1) completed the registration form on BidUmbaugh, or through MuniAuction (“MuniAuction”) at, if not previously registered, and (2) requested and received admission to the City’s auction, as described in the Registration and Admission to Bid and details set forth in this notice.
    Sealed bids may be submitted to the offices of the Financial Advisor at the address described above until 1:00 p.m. (Indianapolis time) on the date of sale.
    Principal and premium, if any, on the Bonds will be payable at the principal corporate trust office of Lake City Bank in Warsaw, Indiana, as the Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds (the “Registrar” and the “Paying Agent”).  Interest on the Bonds will be paid by check or draft mailed or delivered to the registered owner thereof at the address as it appears on the registration books kept by the Registrar as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding the interest payment date or at such other address as is provided to the Paying Agent in writing by such registered owner.
    Bonds maturing on or after January 1, 2021, are redeemable prior to maturity on January 1, 2020, or any date thereafter, at the option of the City, in whole or in part (only in denominations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)), in amounts and maturities determined by the City and by lot within any such maturity or maturities, at a price equal to the par amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, plus accrued interest to the redemption date and without premium.
    At the option of the successful bidder for the Bonds, all or a portion of the Bonds may be aggregated into one or more term bonds (the “Term Bonds”) payable from mandatory sinking fund redemption payments required to be made as set forth in the ordinance authorizing the Bonds.  The Term Bonds shall have a stated maturity or maturities on January 1 and July 1 in the years as set forth above, as determined by the successful bidder.  The Bonds may be transferred or exchanged at the principal corporate trust office of the Registrar, subject to the terms and conditions of the ordinance authorizing the Bonds.  
    Any person interested in submitting a bid for the Bonds must furnish in writing to the City Clerk-Treasurer, c/o the City’s Financial Advisor, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (phone: (317) 465-1536; facsimile: (317) 465-1550; e-mail: [email protected]), on or before 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (Indianapolis time), December 12, 2011, the person’s name, address, and telephone number.  The person may also furnish a telex number.  The Financial Advisor, on behalf of the Clerk-Treasurer will cause each person so registered to be notified of (a) the date and time bids will be received and (b) the final principal maturity schedule for the Bonds not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the date and time of sale.  The notification shall be made by telephone at the number furnished by such person and also by telex if a telex number has been furnished.
    Each bid must be for all of the Bonds and must state the rate or rates of interest therefor, not exceeding the maximum per annum interest rates hereinbefore specified.  Such interest rate or rates must be in multiples of one-eighth (1/8) or one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1.0%).  Bids specifying more than one interest rate must also specify the amount and maturities of the Bonds bearing each rate.  All Bonds maturing on the same date shall bear the same rate of interest and the interest rate bid on any maturity of Bonds shall be equal to or greater than the interest rate bid on any and all prior maturities of Bonds.  Subject to the provisions contained herein, the award will be made to the bidder offering the lowest interest cost, to be determined by computing the total interest on all Bonds from the date thereof to the date of maturity and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the amount of any discount, if any.  Although not a term of sale, it is requested that each bid show the net dollar cost to final maturity and the net effective average interest rate on the entire issue.
    No conditional bid or bids for less than ninety-nine percent (99.0%) of the par value of the Bonds, plus accrued interest at the rate or rates named to the date of delivery, will be considered.  The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.  If no acceptable bid is received on the date fixed for sale of the Bonds, the sale may be continued from day to day thereafter without further advertisement for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, but if so continued, no bid will be accepted which offers an interest cost which is equal to or higher than the best bid received at the time fixed for the sale.
    Each of the bids for the Bonds submitted shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Bid for City of Warsaw, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2011.” Each bid must be on the form approved by the City, without additions, alterations or erasures, which form may be obtained from the City’s Financial Advisor at the address set forth herein.  
    The City reserves the right to amend any information contained in this Notice of Intent to Sell.  The City also reserves the right to postpone, from time to time, the date established for the receipt of bids on the Bonds.  If any date fixed for the auction is postponed, any alternative sale date will be announced at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such alternative sale date.
To submit bids using the internet, bidders must first visit the BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction site where, if they have never registered with BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction, they can register and then request admission to bid on any series of Bonds.  Only NASD registered broker-dealer and dealer banks with DTC clearing arrangements will be eligible to bid electronically.  Any questions pertaining to the BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction website may be directed to Mr. John Carver ([email protected]), at (412) 391-5555, Ext. 316.  Bidder Relations issues may be directed to Mr. John Carver ([email protected]), at (412) 391-5555, Ext. 316.
The “Rules” of BidUmbaugh can be viewed on BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction and are incorporated herein by reference.  Bidders must comply with the Rules of BidUmbaugh in addition to requirements of this Notice of Intent to Sell.  To the extent there is a conflict between the Rules of BidUmbaugh and this Notice of Intent to Sell, this Notice of Intent to Sell shall control.  Bidders may change and submit bids as many times as they wish during the sale, but they may not withdraw a submitted bid.  The last bid submitted by a bidder prior to the deadline for the receipt of bids will be compared to all other final bids to determine the winning bid.  During the sale, no bidder will see any other bidder’s bid, nor will such bidder see the status of its bid relative to the other bids (e.g., whether its bid is a leading bid).
    A good faith deposit (the “Deposit”) in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check or wire transfer in the amount of one percent (1.0%) of the principal amount of the Bonds made payable to the order of the City is required to be submitted by the successful purchaser (the “Purchaser”) not later than 3:00 p.m. (EST) on the next business day following the award.  If such Deposit is not received by that time, the City may reject the bid.  No interest on the Deposit will accrue to the Purchaser.  The Deposit will be applied to the purchase price of the Bonds.  In the event the Purchaser fails to honor its accepted bid, the Deposit will be retained by the City as liquidated damages.
In the event the bidder to whom the Bonds are awarded shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of the bid and this notice, such Deposit shall become the property of the City and shall be taken and considered as liquidated damages of the City on account of such failure or refusal.
    The successful bidder will be required to make payment for the Bonds in Federal Reserve or other immediately available funds and accept delivery of the Bonds within five (5) days after being notified that the Bonds are ready for delivery, at a bank designated by the City.  Any premium bid must be paid in cash at the time of delivery as a part of the purchase price for the Bonds.  The Bonds will be ready for delivery within forty-five (45) days after the date on which the award is made, and if not deliverable within that period, the successful bidder will be entitled to rescind the sale and the good faith check will be returned.  Any notice of rescission must be in writing.  At the request of the City, the successful bidder shall furnish to the City, simultaneously with or before delivery of the Bonds, a certificate in form satisfactory to the City regarding the initial public offering price of the Bonds.  In addition, the successful bidder shall inform the Financial Advisor to the City of such initial public offering price within two business days after the date of sale.
    The Bonds will be designated “qualified tax-exempt obligations” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) relating to the ability of financial institutions to deduct from income for federal income tax purposes, interest expense that is allocable to carrying and acquiring tax-exempt obligations.
    It is anticipated that CUSIP identification numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bonds nor any error with respect thereto shall constitute cause for a failure or refusal by the successful bidder to accept delivery of and pay for the Bonds.  The successful bidder will be responsible for paying the fees associated with securing the CUSIP identification numbers.
    The Bonds are being issued under the provisions of the Indiana Code to provide funding for certain improvements to the City’s sewage works, together with the expenses necessarily incurred in connection therewith, including the expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds.  The City will not be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon except from the net revenues of the City’s sewage works (the “Net Revenues”), and the Bonds shall not constitute a debt for which the full faith and credit or taxing powers of the City will be pledged.  The Bonds shall rank on a parity with:  (i) the City’s pledge (the “Lease Pledge”) of the net revenues of the Sewage Works (and to the extent available, (a) the City’s distributive share of County Economic Development Income Tax revenues and (b) tax increment revenues received by the Warsaw Redevelopment Commission from the Northern Economic Development Area made available for such purpose) for the payment of the lease rentals due under a lease between the City of Warsaw, Indiana, Building Corporation (the “Building Corporation”) and the City, dated as of October 1, 2001, as amended (the “Lease”), which lease rentals are used to pay debt service on the Building Corporation’s Lease Rental Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $8,375,000.00; (ii) the City’s Sewage Works Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, dated April 15, 2003 (the “2003 Bonds”), presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $6,965,000.00; and (iii) the City’s Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2008, dated July 1, 2008 (the “2008 Bonds” and with the 2003 Bonds and the Lease Pledge, the “Prior Obligations”), presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $2,710,000.00.
    At the time of delivery of the Bonds the approving opinion of Baker & Daniels LLP, bond counsel, of South Bend, Indiana, as to the validity of the Bonds, together with a transcript of Bond proceedings, the printed Bonds with such legal opinion printed thereon, and closing certificates in the customary form showing no litigation, will be furnished to the successful bidder at the expense of the City.  In addition, unless bond counsel is able, on the date of delivery, to render an opinion to the effect that, under existing law (1) the interest on the Bonds is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes and the Bonds are not “private activity bonds" under Section 141 of the Code, and (2) the interest on the Bonds is exempt from taxation in the State of Indiana for all purposes except the Indiana financial institutions tax and the Indiana inheritance tax, the successful bidder shall have the right to rescind the sale, and in such event the good faith deposit will be returned.
    The City has authorized the preparation of a Preliminary Official Statement, containing pertinent information relative to the City and the Bonds.  Such Preliminary Official Statement will be in a form “deemed final" by the City pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Rule”).  For copies of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Bid Form or for any additional information prior to sale, any prospective purchaser is referred to the Financial Advisor to the City, Susan Clark, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Pubic Accountants, LLP, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, telephone (317) 465-1536, email: [email protected].
    The Preliminary Official Statement, when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the interest rates of the Bonds, and any other information referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of the Rule, shall constitute a “Final Official Statement" of the City with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in the Rule.  By awarding the Bonds to any underwriter or underwriting syndicate submitting an Official Bid Form therefor, the City agrees that, no more than seven (7) business days after the date of such award, it shall provide to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded up to one hundred (100) copies of the Final Official Statement at the City’s expense, any additional copies to be at the expense of the underwriting syndicate.  The City designates the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Official Statement to each Participating Underwriter.  Any underwriter executing and delivering an Official Bid Form with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its bid is accepted by the City (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all Participating Underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such Participating Underwriter of the Final Official Statement.
    In order to assist bidders in complying with paragraph (b)(5) of the Rule, the City will undertake, pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Agreement to be executed by the City which shall be delivered to the successful bidder at the closing on the Bonds, to provide annual reports, certain financial information, and notices of certain events as required by Section (b)(5) of the Rule.  A description of this undertaking is set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement.

    If bids are submitted by mail, they should be addressed to the City, attention of Lynne Christiansen, Clerk-Treasurer, c/o H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240.
Dated this 25th day of November, 2011.

By:  Lynne Christiansen, Clerk-Treasurer
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NOT TO EXCEED $4,700,000
    Upon not less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice given by telephone by or on behalf of the City of Warsaw, Indiana (the “City”), prior to February 1, 2012, the City will receive separate electronic and sealed proposals at the office of the City’s Financial Advisor, c/o Susan Clark, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-0458, (phone: 317-465-1536; facsimile: 317-465-1550; email: [email protected]) and shall consider each proposal for the purchase of revenue bonds of the City designated as “City of Warsaw, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2011” (the “Bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,700,000), bearing interest at a rate or rates not exceeding six and one-half percent (6.5%) (the exact rate or rates to be determined by bidding).  Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated on the basis of twelve (12) thirty (30)-day months for a three hundred and sixty (360)-day year and shall be payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 in each year, commencing July 1, 2012.  The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in denominations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) and any integral multiple thereof not exceeding the aggregate principal amount of such Bonds maturing in any one year, shall be numbered consecutively from 11R-1 upward, shall bear an original issue date which shall be the first day of the month in which the Bonds are delivered and shall mature serially on January 1 and July 1 of each year beginning not earlier than July 1, 2012, according to the principal maturity schedule for the Bonds, which will be provided twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of sale to those potential bidders who have requested notice thereof (following the receipt of bids and determination of the successful bidder, the City reserves the right to modify individual maturity amounts to achieve level debt service with respect to the Bonds).  Upon completion of the bidding procedures described herein, the results of the sealed, non-electronic bids received shall be compared to the electronic bids received by the City.
    Bids may be submitted electronically via BidUmbaugh, the website of the City’s Financial Advisor (“BidUmbaugh”).  Bidders may access the sale at BidUmbaugh via the sale link at Internet Address for a specified period of time on the date of sale, which is expected to be between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. (Indianapolis time) on a date prior to February 1, 2012.  To bid via BidUmbaugh, bidders must have both (1) completed the registration form on BidUmbaugh, or through MuniAuction (“MuniAuction”) at, if not previously registered, and (2) requested and received admission to the City’s auction, as described in the Registration and Admission to Bid and details set forth in this notice.
    Sealed bids may be submitted to the offices of the Financial Advisor at the address described above until 1:00 p.m. (Indianapolis time) on the date of sale.
    Principal and premium, if any, on the Bonds will be payable at the principal corporate trust office of Lake City Bank in Warsaw, Indiana, as the Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds (the “Registrar” and the “Paying Agent”).  Interest on the Bonds will be paid by check or draft mailed or delivered to the registered owner thereof at the address as it appears on the registration books kept by the Registrar as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding the interest payment date or at such other address as is provided to the Paying Agent in writing by such registered owner.
    Bonds maturing on or after January 1, 2021, are redeemable prior to maturity on January 1, 2020, or any date thereafter, at the option of the City, in whole or in part (only in denominations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)), in amounts and maturities determined by the City and by lot within any such maturity or maturities, at a price equal to the par amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, plus accrued interest to the redemption date and without premium.
    At the option of the successful bidder for the Bonds, all or a portion of the Bonds may be aggregated into one or more term bonds (the “Term Bonds”) payable from mandatory sinking fund redemption payments required to be made as set forth in the ordinance authorizing the Bonds.  The Term Bonds shall have a stated maturity or maturities on January 1 and July 1 in the years as set forth above, as determined by the successful bidder.  The Bonds may be transferred or exchanged at the principal corporate trust office of the Registrar, subject to the terms and conditions of the ordinance authorizing the Bonds.  
    Any person interested in submitting a bid for the Bonds must furnish in writing to the City Clerk-Treasurer, c/o the City’s Financial Advisor, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (phone: (317) 465-1536; facsimile: (317) 465-1550; e-mail: [email protected]), on or before 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (Indianapolis time), December 12, 2011, the person’s name, address, and telephone number.  The person may also furnish a telex number.  The Financial Advisor, on behalf of the Clerk-Treasurer will cause each person so registered to be notified of (a) the date and time bids will be received and (b) the final principal maturity schedule for the Bonds not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the date and time of sale.  The notification shall be made by telephone at the number furnished by such person and also by telex if a telex number has been furnished.
    Each bid must be for all of the Bonds and must state the rate or rates of interest therefor, not exceeding the maximum per annum interest rates hereinbefore specified.  Such interest rate or rates must be in multiples of one-eighth (1/8) or one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1.0%).  Bids specifying more than one interest rate must also specify the amount and maturities of the Bonds bearing each rate.  All Bonds maturing on the same date shall bear the same rate of interest and the interest rate bid on any maturity of Bonds shall be equal to or greater than the interest rate bid on any and all prior maturities of Bonds.  Subject to the provisions contained herein, the award will be made to the bidder offering the lowest interest cost, to be determined by computing the total interest on all Bonds from the date thereof to the date of maturity and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the amount of any discount, if any.  Although not a term of sale, it is requested that each bid show the net dollar cost to final maturity and the net effective average interest rate on the entire issue.
    No conditional bid or bids for less than ninety-nine percent (99.0%) of the par value of the Bonds, plus accrued interest at the rate or rates named to the date of delivery, will be considered.  The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.  If no acceptable bid is received on the date fixed for sale of the Bonds, the sale may be continued from day to day thereafter without further advertisement for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, but if so continued, no bid will be accepted which offers an interest cost which is equal to or higher than the best bid received at the time fixed for the sale.
    Each of the bids for the Bonds submitted shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Bid for City of Warsaw, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2011.” Each bid must be on the form approved by the City, without additions, alterations or erasures, which form may be obtained from the City’s Financial Advisor at the address set forth herein.  
    The City reserves the right to amend any information contained in this Notice of Intent to Sell.  The City also reserves the right to postpone, from time to time, the date established for the receipt of bids on the Bonds.  If any date fixed for the auction is postponed, any alternative sale date will be announced at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such alternative sale date.
To submit bids using the internet, bidders must first visit the BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction site where, if they have never registered with BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction, they can register and then request admission to bid on any series of Bonds.  Only NASD registered broker-dealer and dealer banks with DTC clearing arrangements will be eligible to bid electronically.  Any questions pertaining to the BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction website may be directed to Mr. John Carver ([email protected]), at (412) 391-5555, Ext. 316.  Bidder Relations issues may be directed to Mr. John Carver ([email protected]), at (412) 391-5555, Ext. 316.
The “Rules” of BidUmbaugh can be viewed on BidUmbaugh or MuniAuction and are incorporated herein by reference.  Bidders must comply with the Rules of BidUmbaugh in addition to requirements of this Notice of Intent to Sell.  To the extent there is a conflict between the Rules of BidUmbaugh and this Notice of Intent to Sell, this Notice of Intent to Sell shall control.  Bidders may change and submit bids as many times as they wish during the sale, but they may not withdraw a submitted bid.  The last bid submitted by a bidder prior to the deadline for the receipt of bids will be compared to all other final bids to determine the winning bid.  During the sale, no bidder will see any other bidder’s bid, nor will such bidder see the status of its bid relative to the other bids (e.g., whether its bid is a leading bid).
    A good faith deposit (the “Deposit”) in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check or wire transfer in the amount of one percent (1.0%) of the principal amount of the Bonds made payable to the order of the City is required to be submitted by the successful purchaser (the “Purchaser”) not later than 3:00 p.m. (EST) on the next business day following the award.  If such Deposit is not received by that time, the City may reject the bid.  No interest on the Deposit will accrue to the Purchaser.  The Deposit will be applied to the purchase price of the Bonds.  In the event the Purchaser fails to honor its accepted bid, the Deposit will be retained by the City as liquidated damages.
In the event the bidder to whom the Bonds are awarded shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of the bid and this notice, such Deposit shall become the property of the City and shall be taken and considered as liquidated damages of the City on account of such failure or refusal.
    The successful bidder will be required to make payment for the Bonds in Federal Reserve or other immediately available funds and accept delivery of the Bonds within five (5) days after being notified that the Bonds are ready for delivery, at a bank designated by the City.  Any premium bid must be paid in cash at the time of delivery as a part of the purchase price for the Bonds.  The Bonds will be ready for delivery within forty-five (45) days after the date on which the award is made, and if not deliverable within that period, the successful bidder will be entitled to rescind the sale and the good faith check will be returned.  Any notice of rescission must be in writing.  At the request of the City, the successful bidder shall furnish to the City, simultaneously with or before delivery of the Bonds, a certificate in form satisfactory to the City regarding the initial public offering price of the Bonds.  In addition, the successful bidder shall inform the Financial Advisor to the City of such initial public offering price within two business days after the date of sale.
    The Bonds will be designated “qualified tax-exempt obligations” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) relating to the ability of financial institutions to deduct from income for federal income tax purposes, interest expense that is allocable to carrying and acquiring tax-exempt obligations.
    It is anticipated that CUSIP identification numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bonds nor any error with respect thereto shall constitute cause for a failure or refusal by the successful bidder to accept delivery of and pay for the Bonds.  The successful bidder will be responsible for paying the fees associated with securing the CUSIP identification numbers.
    The Bonds are being issued under the provisions of the Indiana Code to provide funding for certain improvements to the City’s sewage works, together with the expenses necessarily incurred in connection therewith, including the expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds.  The City will not be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon except from the net revenues of the City’s sewage works (the “Net Revenues”), and the Bonds shall not constitute a debt for which the full faith and credit or taxing powers of the City will be pledged.  The Bonds shall rank on a parity with:  (i) the City’s pledge (the “Lease Pledge”) of the net revenues of the Sewage Works (and to the extent available, (a) the City’s distributive share of County Economic Development Income Tax revenues and (b) tax increment revenues received by the Warsaw Redevelopment Commission from the Northern Economic Development Area made available for such purpose) for the payment of the lease rentals due under a lease between the City of Warsaw, Indiana, Building Corporation (the “Building Corporation”) and the City, dated as of October 1, 2001, as amended (the “Lease”), which lease rentals are used to pay debt service on the Building Corporation’s Lease Rental Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $8,375,000.00; (ii) the City’s Sewage Works Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2003, dated April 15, 2003 (the “2003 Bonds”), presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $6,965,000.00; and (iii) the City’s Sewage Works Revenue Bonds of 2008, dated July 1, 2008 (the “2008 Bonds” and with the 2003 Bonds and the Lease Pledge, the “Prior Obligations”), presently outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $2,710,000.00.
    At the time of delivery of the Bonds the approving opinion of Baker & Daniels LLP, bond counsel, of South Bend, Indiana, as to the validity of the Bonds, together with a transcript of Bond proceedings, the printed Bonds with such legal opinion printed thereon, and closing certificates in the customary form showing no litigation, will be furnished to the successful bidder at the expense of the City.  In addition, unless bond counsel is able, on the date of delivery, to render an opinion to the effect that, under existing law (1) the interest on the Bonds is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes and the Bonds are not “private activity bonds" under Section 141 of the Code, and (2) the interest on the Bonds is exempt from taxation in the State of Indiana for all purposes except the Indiana financial institutions tax and the Indiana inheritance tax, the successful bidder shall have the right to rescind the sale, and in such event the good faith deposit will be returned.
    The City has authorized the preparation of a Preliminary Official Statement, containing pertinent information relative to the City and the Bonds.  Such Preliminary Official Statement will be in a form “deemed final" by the City pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Rule”).  For copies of the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Bid Form or for any additional information prior to sale, any prospective purchaser is referred to the Financial Advisor to the City, Susan Clark, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Pubic Accountants, LLP, H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, telephone (317) 465-1536, email: [email protected].
    The Preliminary Official Statement, when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the interest rates of the Bonds, and any other information referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of the Rule, shall constitute a “Final Official Statement" of the City with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in the Rule.  By awarding the Bonds to any underwriter or underwriting syndicate submitting an Official Bid Form therefor, the City agrees that, no more than seven (7) business days after the date of such award, it shall provide to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded up to one hundred (100) copies of the Final Official Statement at the City’s expense, any additional copies to be at the expense of the underwriting syndicate.  The City designates the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Official Statement to each Participating Underwriter.  Any underwriter executing and delivering an Official Bid Form with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that if its bid is accepted by the City (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with all Participating Underwriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such Participating Underwriter of the Final Official Statement.
    In order to assist bidders in complying with paragraph (b)(5) of the Rule, the City will undertake, pursuant to the Continuing Disclosure Agreement to be executed by the City which shall be delivered to the successful bidder at the closing on the Bonds, to provide annual reports, certain financial information, and notices of certain events as required by Section (b)(5) of the Rule.  A description of this undertaking is set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement.

    If bids are submitted by mail, they should be addressed to the City, attention of Lynne Christiansen, Clerk-Treasurer, c/o H.J. Umbaugh & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLP, 8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240.
Dated this 25th day of November, 2011.

By:  Lynne Christiansen, Clerk-Treasurer
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