All Classified Ads will be published online and in print and are run on a weekly basis. Classified ads can run for 1, 2, 3 or 4 week periods.

Cost for each week are as follows:

  • First 250 characters are billed at $6.75. Additional characters are billed at 10 cents per character.
  • Each image is billed at an additional $5 and are published online only.
  • Featured Listings are an online and print option and are billed at an additional $5.
  • Bold Titles are billed at an additional $1 and are an online only option.
  • Black Borders are billed at $1, and are a print only option.

Deadline for classifieds is THURSDAY AT NOON for the following week's paper.

Any classified ad purchased online after this deadline will not be published in the next week's print issue but the week after issue. The ad will still be published online. Ads will be published online within 72 hours of purchase date and will be displayed online for the time period purchased.

Please Sign in to place a classified ad