Apology To Officers

Editor, Times-Union: To the officers involved in my arrest, I would like to apologize for my behavior. My behavior led to you having to use measures of using your tasers on me.

Apology To KCSD Officers

Editor, Times-Union: I am writing this letter to Officers Denton and Popenfoose of the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.

Apology To Law Enforcement

Editor, Times-Union: Dear Mr. Matt Winn (SLPD) and Logan Pitts (KCSPD), My name is Robin T. Wood and this is my letter of apology.

Four Freedoms

Editor, Times-Union: On January 6, 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered his eighth State of the Union Address. In that speech, he proposed four fundamental freedoms that people “everywhere in the world ought to enjoy”:

The Right Side Of History?

Editor, Times-Union: I heard Hamas supporters that protested near the White House say that Biden should be on the right side of history, which they thought they were. There is a long history of people who thought they were on the right side of history.

Thanks For Recognition

Editor, Times-Union: I would like to say thank you to the Silver Lake Days Festival Committee for selecting me as a co-grand marshal for the festival parade.

The Last Battle To Come

Editor, Times-Union: Several months ago I wrote that I no longer cared. Ms. Schutz tried to give me some reasons that I should.

Disappointed With Rudy

Editor, Times-Union: I've got to admit, never in my life had I felt the need to voice or remark publicly on the politics and politicians elected in our district.

Congressional Revenge

Editor, Times-Union: Just a short time ago something happened in our country that had never happened before. An ex-president became a present convicted felon by a jury of his peers that were approved by his lawyers.

Silver Lake Co-Grand Marshal

Editor, Times-Union: I would like to thank the Silver Lake Days Festival Committee for selecting me as a co-recipient as grand marshal for the festival parade. It was indeed an honor to receive this award.

Thanks, Patten Monument

Editor, Times-Union: We would like to publicly thank Patten Monument for going above and beyond to address a problem with a gravestone that we recently purchased from them.Thanks, Patten Monument

Losses And Failures

Editor, Times-Union: So you elected a guy in 2016 because you thought he was a successful and savvy businessman and was just what the country needed to — what?

Thanks, Custodians

Editor, Times-Union: I would like to recognize a group of people with the 2023-24 school year being concluded.

Apology To Pro Wake

Editor, Times-Union: I am writing this letter to apologize to Mark Richards and his company, Pro Wake.

Thanks To Community

Editor, Times-Union: After the dust has settled from this 2024 Primary Campaign season, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to the people of Kosciusko County for their incredible support during my recent campaign for Northern District County Commissioner.