Five Generations

Former Lowman Twins Celebrating 80 Years

Beverly J. Lowman Huffman and Barbara J. Lowman Engle will celebrate their 80th birthdays on Friday.

Trump Turning 90 on May 20

Marie Trump will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Monday.

Milford Alumni Will Celebrate 95 Years At June 8 Banquet

The classes of 1949, 1959 and 1969 will be honored at this year’s gathering.

Reunion: Warsaw High School Class Of 1954

The Warsaw High School Class of 1954 met for lunch recently at Richards.

Garnet Snyder Celebrates 94 Years Today

Garnet Snyder is celebrating her 94th birthday today.

Senior Activities Center May Calendar

The Senior Activities Center is at 800 N. Park Ave., Warsaw.

Zolman Celebrating 90 Years On Tuesday

Mary Zolman was born May 7, 1929, in Akron, to Charles and Doris Miller Lukens.

5 Generations: Jane Layne Family

Five generations of the Jane Layne family gathered for a photo recently.

High School Reunions

News from Leesburg-Oswego and Mentone High School.