Lowe 90th

Mary Louise Lowe will celebrate her 90th birthday with an open house and breakfast Sunday at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church.

Flenar 80th

Carol Sue Flenar, Etna Green, will celebrate her 80th birthday Sunday at Heritage Park, Etna Green.

Prater 70th

Gary Prater, Warsaw, will celebrate his 70th birthday Sunday with his family and friends. The celebration is at 1 p.m. at the fellowship hall at God’s Highway to Heaven Church, Warsaw. He was born Sept. 21, 1945.

Karczewski Five Generations

Pictured are five generations of the Karczewski family. Pictured (L to R) in the back row are Rory, Jerry and Christopher Karczewski. Eva Karczewski is seated holding baby Luke Karczewski.

Broaden Your Locations When Researching

We know we can go to the local library and local historical societies to research our family.

Check and Recheck Your Steps

When you think you have exhausted all the possible resources. Here are some steps to recheck your steps to see that you have checked all possible records and resources.

When You Hit a Brick Wall in a Birthplace Search

Do you have that relative that you have heard all through the years that they were born in such and such place but then when you really start searching at that place you cant find a birth record there for that person.


WHS Class of 1953 MetThe Warsaw High School class of 1953 met at noon on Sept. 19 at Richards Restaraunt.

Baker 85th

Doug Baker, Warsaw, will celebrate his 85th birthday today.Doug’s wife, Ginny, and family will be celebrating with him at a party at his home.

Brown 90th

Helen I. Brown, 417 N. Brown Lane, Warsaw is celebrating her 90th birthday Saturday at the Atwood Community Bldg., 213 Hovey St., Atwood, from 1 to 5 p.m.

Warsaw Class Of '49 To Meet

Warsaw Class of 1949 will meet Saturday at Richard’s Restaurant at 8 a.m. for breakfast.

Warsaw Class Of 1958 Reunion

 The Warsaw Class of 1958 will have a special luncheon at Bennigan's at 12:30 p.m. Saturday and expecting out of town classmates.All spouses and friends are invited to join. Note the change of time and place.

Carter 85th Birthday

Gwenlyn E. Young Carter, Warsaw,  celebrated her 85th birthday Friday with her family. She was born Sept. 25, 1930, in Warsaw, to Lester and Beryl Murphy Young.

Breaking a Brick Wall in Research

Well as those winter months approach and it limits our access to get away to travel to different libraries and historical societies to research our family tree by looking through newspapers to see if we can break a common brick wall.

Genealogy: A Hobby To Begin When Winter Kicks In

Genealogy is sometimes a hobby that people start getting involved with more when the winter months are here and there isn’t much that people can do outside.