Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission
March 15, 2025 at 6:00 a.m.
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice Is Hereby Given, That The Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission Shall Hold A Public Hearing On A Petition Filed by Lyle & Kathryn Yoder Requesting An Amendment To the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance, To Reclassify From an: Agricultural District to an Agricultural 2 District,
The Following Real Estate, located on
6655W 1150N Key#: 033-038-00I.E
033-038-00I.E I TR NE SW 17-34-5 9.67A Jefferson
And Described As Follows on the 2nd page, To Wit
Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 34 North, Range 5 East, Kosciusko County, Indiana (This description prepared by Ryan D. Peppler, LS22300014, as part of original survey RU-173 Tract I completed by J.K. Walker & Associates, P.C., dated March 3, 2025), being more particularly described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at a railroad spike found at the Northeast comer of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S01º-08'-40"E (GPS Grid bearing and used as the basis of bearings for this description) (recorded S00°-20'-50"E), on and along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17, a distance of 535.35 feet (recorded 536.35 feet), to a P.K. nail found at the Southeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 341 page 256 in the records of Kosciusko County, Indiana, also being the Northeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Document Number 2003050416 in said records; thence S89°-09'-19"W, on and along the North line of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416, also being on and along the South line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 256, and the South line of a certain tract of land recorded as Tract A in Document Number 200400004837 in said records, a
distance of 1078.40 feet to a 5/8-inch iron pin capped "Walker" at the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N01º-07'-44"W, a distance of 536.18 feet to a Mag nail on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S89°-ll '-57"W, on and along said North line, being within the right-of-way of County Road 1150N, a distance of 50.00 feet to a Mag nail found at the Northeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 341 page 594 in said records; thence S01º-07'-44"E, on and along the East line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 594, a distance of 330.00 feet to an iron pin found at the Southeast comer of said tract of land in Document Number 341 page 594; thence S89°-ll '-57"W, on and along the South line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 594, and on and along the South line of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 280 page 83 in said records, a distance of 176.00 feet to an iron pipe found at the Southwest comer of said tract of land in Deed Record 280 page 83, said iron pipe also being on the West line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S01º -07'-44"E, on and along said West line, a distance of 206.35 feet to the Northwest comer of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416; thence N89°-09'-19"E, on and along the North line of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416, a distance of 226.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.45 acres of land, more or less, subject to legal right-of-way for County Road 1150N, subject to all legal drain easements and all other easements of record.
This Change Is Requested To Permit the Above Described Real Estate to Be Used For The Purpose of Agricultural Uses as defined in the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance.
This Hearing Will Be Held in the Commissioner's Meeting Room, County Court House 100 W Center St., Warsaw On 04/02/2025 At l:00 P.M.
All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Written comments will be considered if they are received in the Office of the Kosciusko County Plan Commission, Court House, Warsaw, Indiana, no later then 72 hours before the meeting, (mailing address: 100 W Center St, Rm 303, Warsaw, IN 46580). Any digitally submitted comments or exhibits on devises, such as but not limited to, flash memory drives, thumb drives, or external drives must be submitted to the office 72 hours before the hearing any presented at the meeting will not be viewed in accordance with the Kosciusko County Cybersecurity directives.
Kosciusko County Area Plan
Matthew Sandy, Director
3-15,22 hspaxlp
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice Is Hereby Given, That The Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission Shall Hold A Public Hearing On A Petition Filed by Lyle & Kathryn Yoder Requesting An Amendment To the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance, To Reclassify From an: Agricultural District to an Agricultural 2 District,
The Following Real Estate, located on
6655W 1150N Key#: 033-038-00I.E
033-038-00I.E I TR NE SW 17-34-5 9.67A Jefferson
And Described As Follows on the 2nd page, To Wit
Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 34 North, Range 5 East, Kosciusko County, Indiana (This description prepared by Ryan D. Peppler, LS22300014, as part of original survey RU-173 Tract I completed by J.K. Walker & Associates, P.C., dated March 3, 2025), being more particularly described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at a railroad spike found at the Northeast comer of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S01º-08'-40"E (GPS Grid bearing and used as the basis of bearings for this description) (recorded S00°-20'-50"E), on and along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17, a distance of 535.35 feet (recorded 536.35 feet), to a P.K. nail found at the Southeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 341 page 256 in the records of Kosciusko County, Indiana, also being the Northeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Document Number 2003050416 in said records; thence S89°-09'-19"W, on and along the North line of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416, also being on and along the South line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 256, and the South line of a certain tract of land recorded as Tract A in Document Number 200400004837 in said records, a
distance of 1078.40 feet to a 5/8-inch iron pin capped "Walker" at the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N01º-07'-44"W, a distance of 536.18 feet to a Mag nail on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S89°-ll '-57"W, on and along said North line, being within the right-of-way of County Road 1150N, a distance of 50.00 feet to a Mag nail found at the Northeast comer of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 341 page 594 in said records; thence S01º-07'-44"E, on and along the East line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 594, a distance of 330.00 feet to an iron pin found at the Southeast comer of said tract of land in Document Number 341 page 594; thence S89°-ll '-57"W, on and along the South line of said tract of land in Deed Record 341 page 594, and on and along the South line of a certain tract of land as recorded in Deed Record 280 page 83 in said records, a distance of 176.00 feet to an iron pipe found at the Southwest comer of said tract of land in Deed Record 280 page 83, said iron pipe also being on the West line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 17; thence S01º -07'-44"E, on and along said West line, a distance of 206.35 feet to the Northwest comer of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416; thence N89°-09'-19"E, on and along the North line of said tract of land in Document Number 2003050416, a distance of 226.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.45 acres of land, more or less, subject to legal right-of-way for County Road 1150N, subject to all legal drain easements and all other easements of record.
This Change Is Requested To Permit the Above Described Real Estate to Be Used For The Purpose of Agricultural Uses as defined in the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance.
This Hearing Will Be Held in the Commissioner's Meeting Room, County Court House 100 W Center St., Warsaw On 04/02/2025 At l:00 P.M.
All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Written comments will be considered if they are received in the Office of the Kosciusko County Plan Commission, Court House, Warsaw, Indiana, no later then 72 hours before the meeting, (mailing address: 100 W Center St, Rm 303, Warsaw, IN 46580). Any digitally submitted comments or exhibits on devises, such as but not limited to, flash memory drives, thumb drives, or external drives must be submitted to the office 72 hours before the hearing any presented at the meeting will not be viewed in accordance with the Kosciusko County Cybersecurity directives.
Kosciusko County Area Plan
Matthew Sandy, Director
3-15,22 hspaxlp