March 9-15 Is Severe Weather Preparedness Week

March 3, 2025 at 6:08 p.m.

By Staff Report

Kosciusko County Emergency Management reminds everyone that the month of March encompasses Severe Weather Preparedness Week, which is March 9-15.
Annually, local first responders, the local emergency management office and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) collaborates with the National Weather Service during Severe Weather Preparedness Week to remind and educate Hoosiers about seasonal severe weather threats and how to effectively prepare for them. Storms, floods and tornadoes are common occurrences to Hoosiers. Practice the tips below to stay prepared for these weather events and not only minimize their effects, but also save lives.
Quick Tips
• Know how to be alerted to possible severe weather, make a plan of where to take shelter or evacuate, and keep an emergency disaster kit ready at all times.
• Consider how you would be alerted if there were a tornado warning. Have a NOAA weather radio or weather alert app. Outdoor warning sirens are meant to be heard outside and cannot be relied on if you are indoors.
• Have a location designated as your safe spot regardless of what kind of building you are in. A basement or storm shelter is best, but an interior room, stairway or hall without a window or door to the outside is acceptable. Stay away from windows/glass. In a mobile home, find nearby substantial shelter.
• When you hear thunder, you are within striking distance of lightning. Go indoors when you hear thunder.
• Stay out of floodwaters and do not drive into floodwaters. Turn around.
Statewide Tornado Drill
At about 10:15 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, NWS will issue a test tornado warning alert, which will be shared through most notification systems, including the statewide Emergency Alert System (EAS), which should alert mobile devices. Kosciusko County will participate in the statewide tornado drill and will activate all its outdoor warning sirens.
No matter how you receive the alert, wherever you are at that time, you are encouraged to practice your tornado safety plan. Every Hoosier business, school and family should participate in the statewide tornado drill each year. The drill allows you to practice where to go, what to do and what to take so you are prepared in the event of a real tornado warning.
For more information on how to be prepared for weather emergencies, visit the Get Prepared page of the IDHS website at

Kosciusko County Emergency Management reminds everyone that the month of March encompasses Severe Weather Preparedness Week, which is March 9-15.
Annually, local first responders, the local emergency management office and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) collaborates with the National Weather Service during Severe Weather Preparedness Week to remind and educate Hoosiers about seasonal severe weather threats and how to effectively prepare for them. Storms, floods and tornadoes are common occurrences to Hoosiers. Practice the tips below to stay prepared for these weather events and not only minimize their effects, but also save lives.
Quick Tips
• Know how to be alerted to possible severe weather, make a plan of where to take shelter or evacuate, and keep an emergency disaster kit ready at all times.
• Consider how you would be alerted if there were a tornado warning. Have a NOAA weather radio or weather alert app. Outdoor warning sirens are meant to be heard outside and cannot be relied on if you are indoors.
• Have a location designated as your safe spot regardless of what kind of building you are in. A basement or storm shelter is best, but an interior room, stairway or hall without a window or door to the outside is acceptable. Stay away from windows/glass. In a mobile home, find nearby substantial shelter.
• When you hear thunder, you are within striking distance of lightning. Go indoors when you hear thunder.
• Stay out of floodwaters and do not drive into floodwaters. Turn around.
Statewide Tornado Drill
At about 10:15 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, NWS will issue a test tornado warning alert, which will be shared through most notification systems, including the statewide Emergency Alert System (EAS), which should alert mobile devices. Kosciusko County will participate in the statewide tornado drill and will activate all its outdoor warning sirens.
No matter how you receive the alert, wherever you are at that time, you are encouraged to practice your tornado safety plan. Every Hoosier business, school and family should participate in the statewide tornado drill each year. The drill allows you to practice where to go, what to do and what to take so you are prepared in the event of a real tornado warning.
For more information on how to be prepared for weather emergencies, visit the Get Prepared page of the IDHS website at

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