Town of Claypool
January 8, 2025 at 6:00 a.m.
Notice for Early Public Review of a Proposal to Support
Activity in the (100-Year Floodplain)
The Town of Claypool is proposing to expend federal funds in an area that is subject to flooding as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Administration. The subject funds are Community Development Block Grant funds administered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
This notice is required by Section 2(a)(4) of Executive Order 11988 for Floodplain Management, and by Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11990 for the Protection of Wetlands, and is implemented by HUD Regulations found at 24 CFR 55.20(b) for the HUD action that is within and/or affects a floodplain.
The Town of Claypool is proposing to undertake the following activities at the WWTP, lift station #2 and sections of Walnut Steet, Main Street, Railroad Street, Section Street, Wells Street, and Harrison Street. This project improvements include CIPP Lining, stormwater structures, various sized storm sewer pipe, and improvements to their wastewater treatment plant.
The purpose of this notice is to give an early opportunity for interested agencies, persons or groups to comment on the proposed action(s). The Town of Claypool will consider any feasible alternatives or adjustments to the anticipated project which might minimize any potential adverse effects upon the floodplain as a result of the project.
The Town of Claypool has additional information concerning this project available for public review and copying, upon request, at the Town Hall located at 408 S Graceland Ave Claypool, Indiana. Any comments relative to this proposed expenditure of federal funds in an area identified as a flood hazard area should be submitted in writing to the office of Kleinpeter Consulting Group, LLC located at P.O. Box 37, Whiteland, Indiana 46184 on or before January 24, 2025.
Ben Stage
Town Council President
Town of Claypool
1-8 hspaxlp
Notice for Early Public Review of a Proposal to Support
Activity in the (100-Year Floodplain)
The Town of Claypool is proposing to expend federal funds in an area that is subject to flooding as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Administration. The subject funds are Community Development Block Grant funds administered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
This notice is required by Section 2(a)(4) of Executive Order 11988 for Floodplain Management, and by Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11990 for the Protection of Wetlands, and is implemented by HUD Regulations found at 24 CFR 55.20(b) for the HUD action that is within and/or affects a floodplain.
The Town of Claypool is proposing to undertake the following activities at the WWTP, lift station #2 and sections of Walnut Steet, Main Street, Railroad Street, Section Street, Wells Street, and Harrison Street. This project improvements include CIPP Lining, stormwater structures, various sized storm sewer pipe, and improvements to their wastewater treatment plant.
The purpose of this notice is to give an early opportunity for interested agencies, persons or groups to comment on the proposed action(s). The Town of Claypool will consider any feasible alternatives or adjustments to the anticipated project which might minimize any potential adverse effects upon the floodplain as a result of the project.
The Town of Claypool has additional information concerning this project available for public review and copying, upon request, at the Town Hall located at 408 S Graceland Ave Claypool, Indiana. Any comments relative to this proposed expenditure of federal funds in an area identified as a flood hazard area should be submitted in writing to the office of Kleinpeter Consulting Group, LLC located at P.O. Box 37, Whiteland, Indiana 46184 on or before January 24, 2025.
Ben Stage
Town Council President
Town of Claypool
1-8 hspaxlp