The Big Distraction

January 7, 2025 at 5:59 p.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
So you think the Trump team really cares about the cost of groceries, the price of gas, the housing shortage, the people in your cities and towns “replacing” you? Think again.
None of these or any other cultural or moral issues they have invented to stir your anger personally affect the almighty orange god, his puppet masters, or his menagerie of circus performers. These issues have been created, distorted, exploited and thrown in your faces to make you angry and afraid, to make you seek a fixer/savior, and you fell for it.
By now you should be waking up to the realization that distraction has been the means by which your chosen saviors have managed to hide from you their real motives — to make themselves the owners, dictators and undisputed “CEOs” of the United States. They are now free to reorganize and transform our country into their business — a mega (MAGA?) business that makes a hefty profit to line their already overflowing pockets
You did not realize, did you, that America is not and never was a business? It has always been an experiment in democracy. Profit was never the goal. Freedom, equality, inclusion, harmony and peace for all was the goal. Taxes, trade, money, were all part of the necessary tools to make our country a huge non-profit enterprise for the benefit and well-being of everyone. It was never the intention of our founders for anyone, let alone our leaders, to make personal profits at the expense of the people. It was their intention, with the formation of the Constitution, to create a blueprint complete with checks and balances, and with independence and separation of the three branches of our government, none of which was supposed to control the others, to protect the people — all people. The plan was for America’s leaders to make sure the country functioned well and to maintain a nation that welcomed, accepted, and made room for all who wished to call it home.
Welcome now to MAGA world, an enterprise brought to you by the Heritage Foundation which, if not stopped, will transform our country into an oligarchy with their 900+ page Project 2025 replacing our Constitution. If we do not start paying attention, banding together, and figuring out how to stop them, we will soon become their worker bees, begging for crumbs. Speak out alone and risk falling out an open window or writhing in pain from poisoned tea. Protest quietly and in small numbers and find yourself hauled off to work camps — never to be heard from again. Think it can’t happen here? Neither did the Germans or the Russians, or the Syrians, or the Cubans, or the Afghans, or the Hungarians, or the North Koreans, or the Chinese.
It’s time to look past the distractions, face reality, and remember who we are and who we want to be. (By the way, an oligarchy is “a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.”)
Jeanne Tuka Schutz
Winona Lake, via email

Editor, Times-Union:
So you think the Trump team really cares about the cost of groceries, the price of gas, the housing shortage, the people in your cities and towns “replacing” you? Think again.
None of these or any other cultural or moral issues they have invented to stir your anger personally affect the almighty orange god, his puppet masters, or his menagerie of circus performers. These issues have been created, distorted, exploited and thrown in your faces to make you angry and afraid, to make you seek a fixer/savior, and you fell for it.
By now you should be waking up to the realization that distraction has been the means by which your chosen saviors have managed to hide from you their real motives — to make themselves the owners, dictators and undisputed “CEOs” of the United States. They are now free to reorganize and transform our country into their business — a mega (MAGA?) business that makes a hefty profit to line their already overflowing pockets
You did not realize, did you, that America is not and never was a business? It has always been an experiment in democracy. Profit was never the goal. Freedom, equality, inclusion, harmony and peace for all was the goal. Taxes, trade, money, were all part of the necessary tools to make our country a huge non-profit enterprise for the benefit and well-being of everyone. It was never the intention of our founders for anyone, let alone our leaders, to make personal profits at the expense of the people. It was their intention, with the formation of the Constitution, to create a blueprint complete with checks and balances, and with independence and separation of the three branches of our government, none of which was supposed to control the others, to protect the people — all people. The plan was for America’s leaders to make sure the country functioned well and to maintain a nation that welcomed, accepted, and made room for all who wished to call it home.
Welcome now to MAGA world, an enterprise brought to you by the Heritage Foundation which, if not stopped, will transform our country into an oligarchy with their 900+ page Project 2025 replacing our Constitution. If we do not start paying attention, banding together, and figuring out how to stop them, we will soon become their worker bees, begging for crumbs. Speak out alone and risk falling out an open window or writhing in pain from poisoned tea. Protest quietly and in small numbers and find yourself hauled off to work camps — never to be heard from again. Think it can’t happen here? Neither did the Germans or the Russians, or the Syrians, or the Cubans, or the Afghans, or the Hungarians, or the North Koreans, or the Chinese.
It’s time to look past the distractions, face reality, and remember who we are and who we want to be. (By the way, an oligarchy is “a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.”)
Jeanne Tuka Schutz
Winona Lake, via email

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