Voting For A President

September 22, 2024 at 4:07 p.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
When I watched the debate between Trump and Harris, about the only true thing she said was about what to expect. The problem is that she was talking about herself but tried to say it about Trump. Kamala has a track record of failure but hopes we don't look into her history which indicates how a Harris Presidency will be.
When Biden and Harris entered the White House, unemployment was a little over 6% which was better than the 7.4% unemployment rate left by Jimmy Carter which Reagan had to lower. The economy was roaring back in 2021 which Harris said wasn't happening. Inflation was lower than it is today after being so bad due to her voting to overspend trillions of dollars which caused inflation to exceed 9%. Trump wants to have Elon Musk examine the federal budget in order to cut spending and start paying back the national debt. Harris wants to do away with the tax cuts that Trump brought us which means she wants to tax nearly everyone more and increase corporate taxes which will be passed on to us in increased prices. She wants to take patents from companies that seek government spending which will stifle innovation.
What type of future do I foresee if Harris is elected President? If Republicans take control of the Senate and keep control of Congress, she'll use the dictatorial action of executive orders to go around them. If Democrats retain the Senate and take back Congress, America's future will be dire. The way the media has praised Kamala it's hard to believe it considered her a drag on the Biden Presidency and needed to be removed from the ticket.
What type of future do I foresee if Trump is elected President? It won't be totally rosy because he'll always have his enemies that will want to destroy him and he'll have messes left for him by Biden and Harris. He'll increase energy production and let Musk go after the budget to save us from the debt monster Kamala is incapable of slaying which could destroy America's future. Our enemies will once again fear and respect America and the creatures of the Washington swamp will hopefully be tamed. Women will still have control of their bodies and democracy will become stronger as he honors the Constitution instead of considering it a hindrance like Democrats do. Trump loves America and respects average Americans. Harris respects the ones that control her and finance her attempt to seize this nation to deform it into something that previous generations would condemn.
Trump nearly sacrificed his life trying to save America in November and for the next four years. Would you rather have someone you might not personally like to be President but who is powerful and successful or someone with the potential of destroying America? Kamala may pretend to be a tiger when she's more like a laughing hyena. I hope Trump is the tiger tamer that will turn her into a harmless kitty.
Rick Badman
Warsaw, via email

Editor’s Note: This letter was edited to conform more closely to the 500-word limit as stated in the letters policy.

Editor, Times-Union:
When I watched the debate between Trump and Harris, about the only true thing she said was about what to expect. The problem is that she was talking about herself but tried to say it about Trump. Kamala has a track record of failure but hopes we don't look into her history which indicates how a Harris Presidency will be.
When Biden and Harris entered the White House, unemployment was a little over 6% which was better than the 7.4% unemployment rate left by Jimmy Carter which Reagan had to lower. The economy was roaring back in 2021 which Harris said wasn't happening. Inflation was lower than it is today after being so bad due to her voting to overspend trillions of dollars which caused inflation to exceed 9%. Trump wants to have Elon Musk examine the federal budget in order to cut spending and start paying back the national debt. Harris wants to do away with the tax cuts that Trump brought us which means she wants to tax nearly everyone more and increase corporate taxes which will be passed on to us in increased prices. She wants to take patents from companies that seek government spending which will stifle innovation.
What type of future do I foresee if Harris is elected President? If Republicans take control of the Senate and keep control of Congress, she'll use the dictatorial action of executive orders to go around them. If Democrats retain the Senate and take back Congress, America's future will be dire. The way the media has praised Kamala it's hard to believe it considered her a drag on the Biden Presidency and needed to be removed from the ticket.
What type of future do I foresee if Trump is elected President? It won't be totally rosy because he'll always have his enemies that will want to destroy him and he'll have messes left for him by Biden and Harris. He'll increase energy production and let Musk go after the budget to save us from the debt monster Kamala is incapable of slaying which could destroy America's future. Our enemies will once again fear and respect America and the creatures of the Washington swamp will hopefully be tamed. Women will still have control of their bodies and democracy will become stronger as he honors the Constitution instead of considering it a hindrance like Democrats do. Trump loves America and respects average Americans. Harris respects the ones that control her and finance her attempt to seize this nation to deform it into something that previous generations would condemn.
Trump nearly sacrificed his life trying to save America in November and for the next four years. Would you rather have someone you might not personally like to be President but who is powerful and successful or someone with the potential of destroying America? Kamala may pretend to be a tiger when she's more like a laughing hyena. I hope Trump is the tiger tamer that will turn her into a harmless kitty.
Rick Badman
Warsaw, via email

Editor’s Note: This letter was edited to conform more closely to the 500-word limit as stated in the letters policy.

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