Deadline Extended To Host EV Chargings
October 21, 2024 at 5:17 p.m.
SOUTH BEND – The deadline to apply as a site host for Level 2 “destination” electric vehicle charging stations has been extended to Nov. 1, 2024.
The brief online application is embedded in the Engage platform hosted by Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG), or at under the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant.
MACOG received funding through the Federal Highway Administration to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, 32 of which will be “destination” or Level 2 stations designed to attract drivers to charge for several hours and support local nearby businesses. Federal funding covers up to 80% of the project cost. Applicants may apply to serve as a site host to operate a station and collect the user fee revenue, while providing the 20% local match.
Both public and private entities are invited to apply as a site host, such as schools, libraries, nonprofits, and local businesses. The most competitive sites will meet specific criteria for ADA accessibility, lighting and security, equity and environmental justice and amenities. More details about the criteria and CFI program can be found in the application. The stations must be located in the MACOG region which includes Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall and St. Joseph counties.
The CFI program will fill gaps in EV infrastructure in rural and disadvantaged communities, target areas where EV infrastructure and adoption are currently low to supplement rather than displace private investment, and provide reliable and accessible charging which promotes safety for vehicles and pedestrians.
MACOG anticipates making site host decisions around mid-November 2024.
The installation of Level 2 “destination” charging stations will occur in 2025 and will be the second round of procurement MACOG will conduct under the CFI program. Under the first round of procurement currently on-going, MACOG is currently accepting applications for Level 3 “fast charging” stations along US-30 near Plymouth and Warsaw, and at the South Bend International Airport. More information can be found at
SOUTH BEND – The deadline to apply as a site host for Level 2 “destination” electric vehicle charging stations has been extended to Nov. 1, 2024.
The brief online application is embedded in the Engage platform hosted by Michiana Area Council of Governments (MACOG), or at under the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant.
MACOG received funding through the Federal Highway Administration to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, 32 of which will be “destination” or Level 2 stations designed to attract drivers to charge for several hours and support local nearby businesses. Federal funding covers up to 80% of the project cost. Applicants may apply to serve as a site host to operate a station and collect the user fee revenue, while providing the 20% local match.
Both public and private entities are invited to apply as a site host, such as schools, libraries, nonprofits, and local businesses. The most competitive sites will meet specific criteria for ADA accessibility, lighting and security, equity and environmental justice and amenities. More details about the criteria and CFI program can be found in the application. The stations must be located in the MACOG region which includes Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall and St. Joseph counties.
The CFI program will fill gaps in EV infrastructure in rural and disadvantaged communities, target areas where EV infrastructure and adoption are currently low to supplement rather than displace private investment, and provide reliable and accessible charging which promotes safety for vehicles and pedestrians.
MACOG anticipates making site host decisions around mid-November 2024.
The installation of Level 2 “destination” charging stations will occur in 2025 and will be the second round of procurement MACOG will conduct under the CFI program. Under the first round of procurement currently on-going, MACOG is currently accepting applications for Level 3 “fast charging” stations along US-30 near Plymouth and Warsaw, and at the South Bend International Airport. More information can be found at