WACC Work-Based Learning Spotlight: Community Grace Brethren Church
March 6, 2024 at 4:02 p.m.

Warsaw Area Career Center Intern: Evan Owens
Parent: Amy Owens
Student’s Job Title: Worship Ministry Tech Intern
What are your job responsibilities: Control all the cameras and audio equipment.
How has this position been helpful to you? It has helped me to learn multi-tasking.
What have you learned? I learned how much effort it takes to have tech ready by a Sunday morning.
How is this job preparing you for the future? I want to be a technical director/AV engineer and these skills will help me for this position.
What do you like about this job? I get to be able to have a feeling of what I want to be after high school.
Your Career and College Plans: I plan to continue to work as a worship ministry tech intern.
Supervisor Input:
Supervisor: Tristan Spuller, worship director
What duties does this student perform? Shooting Video, Photo; Editing Video, Photo; Overseeing Audio Teams
How is this job preparing this student for the future? Evan desires to get into live production; he is learning about the fundamentals of video and audio production week-to-week.
What do you think of the WACC Work-Based Learning program? I really appreciate the option for students to get hands-on experience in a way that also benefits community connections. This has been a positive experience for both Evan and our church.
Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? An understanding of the mutual benefits of the internship. A desire to train and support one of our students in a concentrated way.
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Warsaw Area Career Center Intern: Evan Owens
Parent: Amy Owens
Student’s Job Title: Worship Ministry Tech Intern
What are your job responsibilities: Control all the cameras and audio equipment.
How has this position been helpful to you? It has helped me to learn multi-tasking.
What have you learned? I learned how much effort it takes to have tech ready by a Sunday morning.
How is this job preparing you for the future? I want to be a technical director/AV engineer and these skills will help me for this position.
What do you like about this job? I get to be able to have a feeling of what I want to be after high school.
Your Career and College Plans: I plan to continue to work as a worship ministry tech intern.
Supervisor Input:
Supervisor: Tristan Spuller, worship director
What duties does this student perform? Shooting Video, Photo; Editing Video, Photo; Overseeing Audio Teams
How is this job preparing this student for the future? Evan desires to get into live production; he is learning about the fundamentals of video and audio production week-to-week.
What do you think of the WACC Work-Based Learning program? I really appreciate the option for students to get hands-on experience in a way that also benefits community connections. This has been a positive experience for both Evan and our church.
Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? An understanding of the mutual benefits of the internship. A desire to train and support one of our students in a concentrated way.