Contractor Causes Delay In Airport Power Line Lowering Project

December 10, 2024 at 10:03 p.m.

By DAVID L. SLONE Managing Editor

There’s been a slight setback in the runway 27 obstruction mitigation project - also known as the power line lowering project - at the Warsaw Municipal Airport due to a contractor.
During Tuesday’s Warsaw Board of Aviation Commissioners meeting, Robert LaFayette, aviation planning leader at CHA Consulting Inc., the airport’s engineering firm, provided an update on the project from AEP.
“I think that a lot of us have been frustrated with the lack of visibility on the project. I did talk to their current PM today. They were under contract with Newkirk (Electric) to do that work. Basically, what happened was, Newkirk came back and said they don’t have the capacity to do it, and that contract is what allows the updates that have been based on where we were scheduling the construction for starting this month and the end of last month,” he said. “So, essentially, Newkirk Electric came back and said they couldn’t do the work.”
LaFayette said AEP is pivoting and expediting the process.
“They do not have to go back out and resolicit the bids. Basically, what I learned from AEP today was that they can partner with a new contractor through their SEP program, and they have done that with Kent Power. So they are currently working with Kent Power to get Kent under contract to start the construction immediately. So as soon as they can get the paperwork filed, Kent Power will be out there doing the work,” he said.
The reason AEP is able to pivot to Kent Power is because the work is based on a negotiated rate between AEP and Newkirk, LaFayette explained.
While the negative thing about it is that the project is set back, he said the positive thing is that AEP is still saying it’s a two-month construction timeline from when they give Kent Power notice to proceed. Another positive note they received from AEP is that all the construction materials have been procured and received.
“So all of the bolt cages, all of the foundation, all the steel, all the cable is currently sitting in a regional warehouse, and they are waiting until Kent Power is under contract,” he stated.
LaFayette was given a conservative estimate of the end of the year for Kent Power to be under contract, but could be as early as next week.
“... They do understand the importance of the schedule right now. If they miss their dates, we don’t have access to the money for them to get paid. They understand that, and so they’re still pretty positive that there will be a two-month timeline for construction ... from the notice to proceed,” LaFayette said.
The tree removal is completed. He said he went out there Tuesday and saw where all the foundations were staked to be set. He saw where they completed all the right-of-way and tree and shrubbery removal.
“It does look like a pretty clean line,” he said. “One thing I did learn, which I don’t we were aware of during the planning process, is that they are actually putting the power lines on the east side of the existing power line, which is good for us because we put that through our air space essentially a little more west of the existing power lines. I think we’re getting an extra 50 to 60 feet away from the runway, which is positive for our approaches, because even the future implication of moving them even further east is that we don’t have to grade the runway so high up to be able to stay above those power lines from the approach surface perspective.”
Unintentionally, he said that might save a little bit of money on grading in the future.
The new tentative dates for the line work are Jan. 6 through Jan. 23, within the first quarter window.
LaFayette said, “So we’re looking to close out the project and move the money from the FAA to AEP within that first quarter.”
There will be no increase in the price with the contractor changing from Newkirk to Kent Power because it was a negotiated price. There will be six towers put up and five taken down.
In other business, the board:
• Approved the CHA invoice for $1,523.50 for the taxilane E-1 rehabilitation/reconstruction additional work by Phend & Brown. It is all the state’s share.
• Approved Phend & Brown’s pay application No. 3 for $106,685 for taxilane E-1. It’s also all state share.
• Approved the CHA invoice for $15,000 for work on the Airport Overlay District updates. That’s all local share.
• Announced the next meeting will be at 5:15 p.m. Jan. 14.

There’s been a slight setback in the runway 27 obstruction mitigation project - also known as the power line lowering project - at the Warsaw Municipal Airport due to a contractor.
During Tuesday’s Warsaw Board of Aviation Commissioners meeting, Robert LaFayette, aviation planning leader at CHA Consulting Inc., the airport’s engineering firm, provided an update on the project from AEP.
“I think that a lot of us have been frustrated with the lack of visibility on the project. I did talk to their current PM today. They were under contract with Newkirk (Electric) to do that work. Basically, what happened was, Newkirk came back and said they don’t have the capacity to do it, and that contract is what allows the updates that have been based on where we were scheduling the construction for starting this month and the end of last month,” he said. “So, essentially, Newkirk Electric came back and said they couldn’t do the work.”
LaFayette said AEP is pivoting and expediting the process.
“They do not have to go back out and resolicit the bids. Basically, what I learned from AEP today was that they can partner with a new contractor through their SEP program, and they have done that with Kent Power. So they are currently working with Kent Power to get Kent under contract to start the construction immediately. So as soon as they can get the paperwork filed, Kent Power will be out there doing the work,” he said.
The reason AEP is able to pivot to Kent Power is because the work is based on a negotiated rate between AEP and Newkirk, LaFayette explained.
While the negative thing about it is that the project is set back, he said the positive thing is that AEP is still saying it’s a two-month construction timeline from when they give Kent Power notice to proceed. Another positive note they received from AEP is that all the construction materials have been procured and received.
“So all of the bolt cages, all of the foundation, all the steel, all the cable is currently sitting in a regional warehouse, and they are waiting until Kent Power is under contract,” he stated.
LaFayette was given a conservative estimate of the end of the year for Kent Power to be under contract, but could be as early as next week.
“... They do understand the importance of the schedule right now. If they miss their dates, we don’t have access to the money for them to get paid. They understand that, and so they’re still pretty positive that there will be a two-month timeline for construction ... from the notice to proceed,” LaFayette said.
The tree removal is completed. He said he went out there Tuesday and saw where all the foundations were staked to be set. He saw where they completed all the right-of-way and tree and shrubbery removal.
“It does look like a pretty clean line,” he said. “One thing I did learn, which I don’t we were aware of during the planning process, is that they are actually putting the power lines on the east side of the existing power line, which is good for us because we put that through our air space essentially a little more west of the existing power lines. I think we’re getting an extra 50 to 60 feet away from the runway, which is positive for our approaches, because even the future implication of moving them even further east is that we don’t have to grade the runway so high up to be able to stay above those power lines from the approach surface perspective.”
Unintentionally, he said that might save a little bit of money on grading in the future.
The new tentative dates for the line work are Jan. 6 through Jan. 23, within the first quarter window.
LaFayette said, “So we’re looking to close out the project and move the money from the FAA to AEP within that first quarter.”
There will be no increase in the price with the contractor changing from Newkirk to Kent Power because it was a negotiated price. There will be six towers put up and five taken down.
In other business, the board:
• Approved the CHA invoice for $1,523.50 for the taxilane E-1 rehabilitation/reconstruction additional work by Phend & Brown. It is all the state’s share.
• Approved Phend & Brown’s pay application No. 3 for $106,685 for taxilane E-1. It’s also all state share.
• Approved the CHA invoice for $15,000 for work on the Airport Overlay District updates. That’s all local share.
• Announced the next meeting will be at 5:15 p.m. Jan. 14.

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