You Get What You Deserve
December 9, 2024 at 12:45 a.m.
Editor, Times-Union:
Greetings from the United States of America .
Did I Know? I know the United States of America is once again going to be Great for the American people, and that's exactly what we're supposed to be. For the American people.
Back when Hussein Obama was elected president, I thought our world was ending as we knew it. It almost did, but we survived. I thought a Willard Romney or even a Fast-Start Johnny McCain would have been a better choice. I was wrong, it was not meant to be. God had other plans for America.
We were given another chance at being the shining light for all the world under Donald Trump but our hatred of one another couldn't handle it. Then the pandemic happened, the election of 2020 with mass mail-in ballots and we got what we deserved, a pathetic liar, imbecile and evil man in Joe Biden. America would be brought to its knees this time.
Now we have been given another chance to correct the wrongs of America with another term of Donald Trump. God is good, and yes, I know it was meant to be. And one more thing to Fraulein Shultz, waiting another four years for that abortion you whale about in the Times-Union won't be so bad, you'll get over it.
Michael Helton
Warsaw, via email
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Editor, Times-Union:
Greetings from the United States of America .
Did I Know? I know the United States of America is once again going to be Great for the American people, and that's exactly what we're supposed to be. For the American people.
Back when Hussein Obama was elected president, I thought our world was ending as we knew it. It almost did, but we survived. I thought a Willard Romney or even a Fast-Start Johnny McCain would have been a better choice. I was wrong, it was not meant to be. God had other plans for America.
We were given another chance at being the shining light for all the world under Donald Trump but our hatred of one another couldn't handle it. Then the pandemic happened, the election of 2020 with mass mail-in ballots and we got what we deserved, a pathetic liar, imbecile and evil man in Joe Biden. America would be brought to its knees this time.
Now we have been given another chance to correct the wrongs of America with another term of Donald Trump. God is good, and yes, I know it was meant to be. And one more thing to Fraulein Shultz, waiting another four years for that abortion you whale about in the Times-Union won't be so bad, you'll get over it.
Michael Helton
Warsaw, via email