Silver Lake Architectural Planning Services

June 21, 2023 at 5:35 p.m.

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    In order to assure compliance with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) and related requirements regarding competitive negotiation of architectural planning services, the Town of Silver Lake is seeking Statements of Qualifications for the provision of technical assistance services relating to the completion of an Architectural Program Development & Preliminary Facility Design Study in relation to the future construction of a community center to serve the  incorporated community of Silver Lake, Indiana.

Description of Services Needed

At a minimum, the plan will need to contain the following informational outline:

Required Items

    •Cover Page

    •Table of Contents

    •Executive Summary (2-4 pages)

    •High-quality, colored and captioned maps, photographs, and/or drawings that illustrate the critical elements of the study

    •Concise narratives with minimal use of professional jargon

    •Citation of all sources used in both the footnote and the reference page

    •Studies must be in color, have page numbers, and be free from unusual formatting.

A. Executive Summary

    1. Purpose of the study

    2. Scope of the study

    3. Process to develop study, including public input via hearings, surveys, etc.

    4. Study summary in 2-4 pages

    5. Outline of key goals, strategies and desired outcomes

B. General Background

    Provide a brief overview of the demographic, economic and educational profile of the target area (city/town, county, or region), including but not limited to:

    1. Key population features (such as age structure, population change, educational attainment, etc.)

    2. Economic base (major employers, main industrial activity, etc.)

    3. Key anchor institutions in the community/county (such as public library, hospitals/clinics, community centers, museums, public schools, higher education institutions, etc.)

C. Public Facility Feasibility Committee (PFFC)

    Provide a summary of the PFFC. This should include:

    1. List of the members of the committee and the entity they represent

a. This committee should be diverse in terms of representation (such as local government, economic development organizations, business/industry, education, health, nonprofit, faith-based, as well as other appropriate organizations/agencies and demographic groups)

    2. Outline of the committee’s work in developing the plan including a listing of meetings, summaries of public hearing, and a discussion of how consensus was reached for the plan

    3. Describe role of the PFFC which includes, but is not limited to:

    a. Serving as liaison between the area, OCRA, partners, funders

    b. Engaging in studying key data indicators related to the facility

    c. Actively involved in developing, with active public input, the Public Facility Feasibility Study for the targeted area

D. Existing Conditions

    Describe the current state of the existing facility or how the community has operated without a facility. Specifically, provide information on the following:

    1. Current physical conditions

    a. Current photos and details of the facility

    b. Adjacent buildings/traffic patterns/run times

    c. Interior and exterior structural issues

    d. Architectural

    i. Building materials and finishes

    e. Mechanical (HVAC), Electrical, Plumbing

    f. Floor plans, if applicable

    g. Known environmental/site hazards

    2. Historical significance of the facility, if applicable

    3. Socioeconomic factors in the target area that could affect (positively or negatively) use of the facility

    4. Physical assets and resources that could be used to support the facility

    5. Results of demand aggregation surveys

    6. Service gaps and needs existing in the target area

    7. Financial status of any existing facility

E. Need for Facility

    1. Health, sanitation, security

    2. Aging infrastructure

    3. Reasonable growth

F. Public Facility Vision and Key Goals

    1. Vision of the future state and use of the facility. The vision must:

    a. Be future focused (5 to 10 years) and take into consideration foreseeable needs of the community

    b. Identify how the facility will be used with an emphasis on community development

    c. Include possibilities for programming involving the facility that will help to engage the service area

    d. Address the service gaps and needs identified in the previous section

    2. Key goals, along with measurable strategies linked to each goal, that will help sustain the facility and expand access to/outreach of the facility

G. Public Facility Implementation Options

    1. Prioritized outline of at least three (3) implementation options that include:

    a. Description of how current assets can be leveraged to implement each option

    b. Renderings and recommended improvements

    i. Design – Structural, Architectural

    ii. Mechanical

    iii. Other recommendations

    iv. Site elevation drawings

    c. Site/land acquisition issues for locations

    i. Access/egress issues

    d. Five year pro-forma for operations

    e. Maps, pictures, or illustrations

    f. Projected number of users

    g. Cost and benefit estimates

    h. Implementation timeline

    i. List of funding sources both private and public

    j. List of possible partnerships

    k. Environmental impacts

    l. Land requirements

    m. Potential construction problems

    n. Sustainability considerations

2. For Community Centers

    a. Provide information on the types of programming that the community center will offer

    b. List of potential pro bono clients that will use the facility

H. Action Items

    The purpose of this section is to immediately begin to take action as dictated in the plan. The plan should therefore conclude with a summary of action items that will be taken upon OCRA approval of the plan. The following are recommended action items for this type of plan:

    1. Operationalize at least one of the facilities implementation options from this plan that was developed by the PFFC and fully supported by the appropriate governing body.

    2. Research, obtain and earmark funding for the project via appropriation, additional grant application submissions, debt financing, etc.

I. Appendices

Type of Contract

    The Town of Silver Lake will execute a firm, fixed-price contract for these services that is contingent on the final commitment of grant funding.

    Federal Requirements

Prospective offerors should note the successful proposer must meet the following terms and conditions:

    1. 24 CFR Part 85.36.

    2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    3. Conflict of Interest (24 CFR Part 570).

    4. Access to records.

    5. Executive Order 11246 – Equal Employment Opportunity

    6. Executive Order 12138 – Women Business Enterprise Policy.

    7. Architectural Barrier Act of 1968.

    8. Age Discrimination Act of 1975.

    9. Section 3 Clause – Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.

    10. Section 504 – Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    11. Retention and Custodial Requirements (24 CFR Part 85.42).

    12. Executive Order 11063.

    13. Affirmative Action Program / Plan

    14. Davis Bacon and Related Acts.

    Grant Support has a 10% MBE/WBE goal for all projects funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds.  Additionally, the selected vendor must have an active registration and be in good standing per

Rate of Qualifications

    The proposal must include sufficient information regarding qualifications and determine that the respondent is qualified and has relevant experience.  Do not include a proposed fee as this is a qualification based selection process.  

    The statement of qualifications should include the following:

    1. A description of expertise, experience and resources directly relevant and available for the proposed project.

    2. A list of similar projects previously completed.

    3. A list of references.

    4. Resumes of professional staff members that will work on this project.

    5. Name of person to be in charge of project.

    6. Description of scope of services as per “Description of Services Needed”.

    7. A project time-line.

    The statement of qualifications shall also provide the following information:  name, title, address and telephone number of individuals with authority to negotiate and bind the proposer contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of evaluation.

Award of Contract

Evaluation criteria shall include:

    1. Specialized experience or technical expertise of the organization and its personnel in connection with the scope of services to be provided and complexity of the project (25pts).

    2. Past record of performance on contracts, including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (25pts).

    3. Capacity of the organization to perform the work within time limitations, taking into consideration the current planned workload of the firm (25 pts).

    4. Familiarity of the organization with this type of project or problems applicable to the project (25pts).

    If you are interested in providing the required services, please submit six (6) copies of the Statement of Qualification to the Town of Silver Lake, Clerk Treasurer’s Office, 604 North Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 159, Silver Lake, Indiana 46982 no later than 12:00 (noon) local time on Monday, July 31, 2023.  Each Statement of Qualification will be reviewed for completeness and clarity according to the above criteria.  Interviews are expected to be held on Monday, August 7, 2023.

    The Town may or may not negotiate the fee schedule with one or more offers.  The Town reserves the right to reject any and/ or all responses.  The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  The contract is tentatively scheduled to be awarded by the Town on October 10, 2023.  Offerors may desire additional information, a site visit or clarification regarding the Statement of Qualification.  If so, please contact Tonya Conley, Clerk-Treasurer, at 260-352-2120 or Shannon McLeod, Project Coordinator, [email protected].  

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    In order to assure compliance with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) and related requirements regarding competitive negotiation of architectural planning services, the Town of Silver Lake is seeking Statements of Qualifications for the provision of technical assistance services relating to the completion of an Architectural Program Development & Preliminary Facility Design Study in relation to the future construction of a community center to serve the  incorporated community of Silver Lake, Indiana.

Description of Services Needed

At a minimum, the plan will need to contain the following informational outline:

Required Items

    •Cover Page

    •Table of Contents

    •Executive Summary (2-4 pages)

    •High-quality, colored and captioned maps, photographs, and/or drawings that illustrate the critical elements of the study

    •Concise narratives with minimal use of professional jargon

    •Citation of all sources used in both the footnote and the reference page

    •Studies must be in color, have page numbers, and be free from unusual formatting.

A. Executive Summary

    1. Purpose of the study

    2. Scope of the study

    3. Process to develop study, including public input via hearings, surveys, etc.

    4. Study summary in 2-4 pages

    5. Outline of key goals, strategies and desired outcomes

B. General Background

    Provide a brief overview of the demographic, economic and educational profile of the target area (city/town, county, or region), including but not limited to:

    1. Key population features (such as age structure, population change, educational attainment, etc.)

    2. Economic base (major employers, main industrial activity, etc.)

    3. Key anchor institutions in the community/county (such as public library, hospitals/clinics, community centers, museums, public schools, higher education institutions, etc.)

C. Public Facility Feasibility Committee (PFFC)

    Provide a summary of the PFFC. This should include:

    1. List of the members of the committee and the entity they represent

a. This committee should be diverse in terms of representation (such as local government, economic development organizations, business/industry, education, health, nonprofit, faith-based, as well as other appropriate organizations/agencies and demographic groups)

    2. Outline of the committee’s work in developing the plan including a listing of meetings, summaries of public hearing, and a discussion of how consensus was reached for the plan

    3. Describe role of the PFFC which includes, but is not limited to:

    a. Serving as liaison between the area, OCRA, partners, funders

    b. Engaging in studying key data indicators related to the facility

    c. Actively involved in developing, with active public input, the Public Facility Feasibility Study for the targeted area

D. Existing Conditions

    Describe the current state of the existing facility or how the community has operated without a facility. Specifically, provide information on the following:

    1. Current physical conditions

    a. Current photos and details of the facility

    b. Adjacent buildings/traffic patterns/run times

    c. Interior and exterior structural issues

    d. Architectural

    i. Building materials and finishes

    e. Mechanical (HVAC), Electrical, Plumbing

    f. Floor plans, if applicable

    g. Known environmental/site hazards

    2. Historical significance of the facility, if applicable

    3. Socioeconomic factors in the target area that could affect (positively or negatively) use of the facility

    4. Physical assets and resources that could be used to support the facility

    5. Results of demand aggregation surveys

    6. Service gaps and needs existing in the target area

    7. Financial status of any existing facility

E. Need for Facility

    1. Health, sanitation, security

    2. Aging infrastructure

    3. Reasonable growth

F. Public Facility Vision and Key Goals

    1. Vision of the future state and use of the facility. The vision must:

    a. Be future focused (5 to 10 years) and take into consideration foreseeable needs of the community

    b. Identify how the facility will be used with an emphasis on community development

    c. Include possibilities for programming involving the facility that will help to engage the service area

    d. Address the service gaps and needs identified in the previous section

    2. Key goals, along with measurable strategies linked to each goal, that will help sustain the facility and expand access to/outreach of the facility

G. Public Facility Implementation Options

    1. Prioritized outline of at least three (3) implementation options that include:

    a. Description of how current assets can be leveraged to implement each option

    b. Renderings and recommended improvements

    i. Design – Structural, Architectural

    ii. Mechanical

    iii. Other recommendations

    iv. Site elevation drawings

    c. Site/land acquisition issues for locations

    i. Access/egress issues

    d. Five year pro-forma for operations

    e. Maps, pictures, or illustrations

    f. Projected number of users

    g. Cost and benefit estimates

    h. Implementation timeline

    i. List of funding sources both private and public

    j. List of possible partnerships

    k. Environmental impacts

    l. Land requirements

    m. Potential construction problems

    n. Sustainability considerations

2. For Community Centers

    a. Provide information on the types of programming that the community center will offer

    b. List of potential pro bono clients that will use the facility

H. Action Items

    The purpose of this section is to immediately begin to take action as dictated in the plan. The plan should therefore conclude with a summary of action items that will be taken upon OCRA approval of the plan. The following are recommended action items for this type of plan:

    1. Operationalize at least one of the facilities implementation options from this plan that was developed by the PFFC and fully supported by the appropriate governing body.

    2. Research, obtain and earmark funding for the project via appropriation, additional grant application submissions, debt financing, etc.

I. Appendices

Type of Contract

    The Town of Silver Lake will execute a firm, fixed-price contract for these services that is contingent on the final commitment of grant funding.

    Federal Requirements

Prospective offerors should note the successful proposer must meet the following terms and conditions:

    1. 24 CFR Part 85.36.

    2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    3. Conflict of Interest (24 CFR Part 570).

    4. Access to records.

    5. Executive Order 11246 – Equal Employment Opportunity

    6. Executive Order 12138 – Women Business Enterprise Policy.

    7. Architectural Barrier Act of 1968.

    8. Age Discrimination Act of 1975.

    9. Section 3 Clause – Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.

    10. Section 504 – Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    11. Retention and Custodial Requirements (24 CFR Part 85.42).

    12. Executive Order 11063.

    13. Affirmative Action Program / Plan

    14. Davis Bacon and Related Acts.

    Grant Support has a 10% MBE/WBE goal for all projects funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds.  Additionally, the selected vendor must have an active registration and be in good standing per

Rate of Qualifications

    The proposal must include sufficient information regarding qualifications and determine that the respondent is qualified and has relevant experience.  Do not include a proposed fee as this is a qualification based selection process.  

    The statement of qualifications should include the following:

    1. A description of expertise, experience and resources directly relevant and available for the proposed project.

    2. A list of similar projects previously completed.

    3. A list of references.

    4. Resumes of professional staff members that will work on this project.

    5. Name of person to be in charge of project.

    6. Description of scope of services as per “Description of Services Needed”.

    7. A project time-line.

    The statement of qualifications shall also provide the following information:  name, title, address and telephone number of individuals with authority to negotiate and bind the proposer contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of evaluation.

Award of Contract

Evaluation criteria shall include:

    1. Specialized experience or technical expertise of the organization and its personnel in connection with the scope of services to be provided and complexity of the project (25pts).

    2. Past record of performance on contracts, including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (25pts).

    3. Capacity of the organization to perform the work within time limitations, taking into consideration the current planned workload of the firm (25 pts).

    4. Familiarity of the organization with this type of project or problems applicable to the project (25pts).

    If you are interested in providing the required services, please submit six (6) copies of the Statement of Qualification to the Town of Silver Lake, Clerk Treasurer’s Office, 604 North Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 159, Silver Lake, Indiana 46982 no later than 12:00 (noon) local time on Monday, July 31, 2023.  Each Statement of Qualification will be reviewed for completeness and clarity according to the above criteria.  Interviews are expected to be held on Monday, August 7, 2023.

    The Town may or may not negotiate the fee schedule with one or more offers.  The Town reserves the right to reject any and/ or all responses.  The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  The contract is tentatively scheduled to be awarded by the Town on October 10, 2023.  Offerors may desire additional information, a site visit or clarification regarding the Statement of Qualification.  If so, please contact Tonya Conley, Clerk-Treasurer, at 260-352-2120 or Shannon McLeod, Project Coordinator, [email protected].  

6-28 hspaxlp

Have a news tip? Email [email protected] or Call/Text 360-922-3092



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