City of Warsaw Traffic

December 21, 2021 at 3:22 p.m.

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    WHEREAS, Indiana Code 9-21-1 authorizes local authorities to regulate traffic by means of a traffic control device; and,

    WHEREAS, the  Warsaw Traffic Safety Commission  has recommended  to the Common Council of the City of Warsaw certain actions that will prevent traffic accidents on city streets;


City of Warsaw, Indiana, that Chapter 74, Traffic and Vehicles, Article  III, Operation of Vehicles Generally, of the Warsaw City Code be amended to read as follows:




Section  74-121 Automatic Traffic Signals

    Items 13 shall be removed  from the ordinance

(13) At the intersection of North Union Street and West Center Street during school hours (remove item 13)

    Items I4 thru I6 shall be added to the ordinance as follows:

(14) At the railroad tracks crossing on Main Street westbound.

(15) At the railroad tracks crossing on Center Street westbound.

(16) At the railroad tracks crossing on Market Street westbound.

Section  74-122 Speed  Zones

Items 1,2,18 shall be amended to read as follows:

    (1) On Center Street from Hepler Drive to Market Street the speed limit shall be 35 miles per hour.

    (2) On Center Street from Argonne Road to US 30 the speed limit shall be 35 miles per hour.

    (18) On State Road 15 from Lyon Street north to Anchorage Rd the speed shall be 40 miles per hour.

Items 8, 10 and 13 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (8) On Winona Avenue East from South Detroit Street to the Winona Lake city limits the speed limit shall be 25 miles per hour. (remove item 8)

    (10) On South Colfax Street from Center Street to Market Street the speed limit shall be 20 miles per hour. (remove item 10)

    (13) On McClellen Street from Pope Street south to Lakeview Drive, the speed limit shall be 20 miles per hour. (remove item 13)

Item 33 shall be added to read as follows:

    (33)  On State Road 15 from Anchorage Rd to the city limit the speed shall be 45  miles per hour.

Section 74-124 One-way Streets and Alleys

Items I5, I6 and I7 shall be added to read as follows:

    (15) West entrance to Meijer Shopping Center from Anchorage Road, shall be one-way Eastbound.

    (16) Traffic on Hickory St. from Center St. to Main St. shall be one-way Northbound.

    (17)    Traffic on Hickory St. from Center St. to Market St. shall be one-way Southbound.

Section 74-126 Right Turn Only

Traffic at the following locations within the city shall be permitted to make a right turn only:

Items 1  shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) Traffic traveling East on Canal Street exiting onto Detroit Street.

Section 74-128 One-Way Stops

Items 1 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (1) At the northeast corner of the intersection of West Center Street and County Road 225 west. (remove item 1)

Items 14, 47, 95, 102 and 163 shall be amended to read as follows:

(14) At the northwest corner of the intersection of South Adams Street and Durbin. Street.

    (47) At the southwest corner of the intersection of Lincoln Drive and Lincoln Street.

    (95) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Mary Mac Street and Ranch Road.

    (102)   At the southeast corner of the intersection of St. Mary Drive and Herscher Drive.

    (163) At the northwest corner of the intersection of Hickory Street and Market Street.

Items 183 and 194 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (183)  At the exit of the 3-D parking lot onto Old US 30. (remove item 183)

    (194) At the southwest corner of the intersection of East Jefferson Street and Argonne Road. (remove item 194)

Items 263 thru 300 shall be added to read as follows:

    (263) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Stag Drive and County Road 75 North;

    (264) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Doe Street and County Road 175 East;

    (265) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Prosperity Drive and County Road 175 East;

    (266) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Prosperity Drive and East Center Street;

    (267) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Douglas and County Road 250 North;

    (268) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Rainbow Drive and County Road 250 North;

    269) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Boeing Road and County Road 250 North;

    (270) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Rainbow Drive and Bell Drive;

    (271) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Boeing Road and County Road 200 North;

    (272) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Pound Drive and County Road 200 North;

    (273) On the South-West Corner of the intersection of Pound Drive and County Road 100 East;

    (274) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Cessna Road and County Road 200 North;

    (275) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Rainbow Drive and Anchorage Road;

    (276) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of  Shawnee Drive and County Road 225 East;

    (277) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Pontiac Drive and Tecumseh Street;

    (278) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Pontiac Drive and N Cheyenne Drive;

    (279) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Mitchell's Boulevard and Gussie Court;

    (280) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Mitchell's Boulevard and Mandy Court;

    (281) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of  Mitchell's Boulevard and County Road 225 East;

    (282) On the N01th-West Corner of the intersection of Lake Placid Drive and Lake Tahoe Trail;

    (283) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Lake Tahoe Trail and Saint Clair Court;

    (284) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Ontario Lane and Superior Avenue;

    (285) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Victoria Lane and Lake Tahoe Trail;

    (286) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Gilliam Avenue and Park Avenue;

    (287) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Gilliam Avenue and Arthur Street;

    (288) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Adams and Durbin Street;

    (289) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Biomet Drive and County Road 200 North;

    (290)    On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  North Union Street and Lake Street;

    (291) On the northwest corner of the intersection of Nancy Street and Sally Street.

    (292) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Pam Street and Brookview Drive.

    (293) On the northeast corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Hepler Drive.

    (294) On the southwest corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Leiter Drive.

    (295) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Ramar Street and Wedrick Street.

    (296) On the northwest corner of the intersection for traffic making the circle on Gilliam.

    (297) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Indiana Street and Canal Street.

    (298) On the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Bass Street.

    (299)    On the northwest corner of the intersection of Ford Lane and Rozella Road.

    (300) On the northeast corner of the intersection of southwest Point Drive and Eisenhower Parkway.

Section 74-129 Two-Way Stops

Items 3, 105, and 108  shall be removed from the ordinance

    (3) At the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of Hickory Street and Center Street. (remove item 3)

    (105) At the southeast and northwest comers of the intersection of Ranch Road and the Big 4 Railroad Tracks. (remove item 105)

    (108) At the southeast and northwest corners of the intersection of 225 West and Penn Central Railroad Tracks. (remove item 108)

Items 141, 142, 143 shall be added to read as follows:

    (141) At the North-East and South-West Corners of Boeing Road and Bell Drive.

    (142) On the South-East and North-West Corners of the intersection of Reed Street and East Main Street.

    (143) On the South-East, and North-West Corners of the intersection of Indiana  Street and Fort Wayne Street.

Items 78 shall be amended to read as follows:

    (78) At the southwest and northeast corners of the intersection of Mary Mac and Buffalo Street.

Section 74-130 All Way Stops

Items 3 and 4 shall be removed  from the ordinance

    (3) On the South-East, North-East and North-West Corners of the intersection of Reed Street and East Main Street. (remove item 3)

    (4) On the South-East, South-West and North-West Corners of the intersection of Indiana Street and Fort Wayne Street. (remove item 4)

Item I2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (12) On the North-West, South-West, and South-East Corners of County Road 75 North and County Road 225 East.

Section 74-131 All Way Stops

Item 18 shall be added to read as follows:

    (18) On all corners of the intersection of East Main Street and Buffalo Street.

Section 74-132 Yield Signs

Items 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, I2, 13, I4, 15, and 23 shall be removed from the ordinance:

    (3) At the northwest corner of the intersection of Nancy Street and Sally Street.

    (4) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Pam Street and Brookview Drive.

    (6) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Hepler Drive.

    (7) At the southwest corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Leiter Drive.

    (8) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Ramar Street and unnamed street at east end of Ramar.

    (9) At the northwest corner of the intersection for traffic making the circle on Gilliam.

    (11) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Indiana Street and Canal Street.

    (13)    At the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Bass Street.

    (14) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Ford Lane and County Road 100 South.

    (15) At the northwest corner of Miner Drive and Kosciusko County Bridge No. 275, (KCB No. 275).

    (23) At the southeast corner of the intersection of southwest Point Drive and Eisenhower Parkway.

Section 74-135 No Left Turn

Item 2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (2) Anchorage Road Westbound into the West entrance of the Meijer Shopping Center.

    Section 74-137 Special Parking Spaces shall be added as follows:

Section 74-137 Special Parking Spaces

Items 1 and 2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) Parking space on Indiana St located on the northwest corner of Center St. and Indiana St. shall be marked as a Handicapped parking space.

    (2) Parking space on Center St located on the northwest corner of Center St. and Indiana St. shall be marked with a 15 min time limit.

Section 74-138 Roundabouts shall be added as follows:

Section 74-138 Roundabouts

Items 1 thru 3 shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) All  traffic  entering a  roundabout circle shall  yield  to vehicles or  pedestrians already in the circle.

    (2) All traffic shall proceed in the roundabout in a one-way counterclockwise flow.

    (3) Unless  otherwise  designated  by  the  City,  there  shall  be  no  parking  within a roundabout, or within 30 feet of any entrance or exit to a roundabout.

    This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from the date of passage. Any parts of the Warsaw Traffic Control Ordinance which are in conflict with this ordinance are hereby suspended by this ordinance.

    THEREFORE; be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Warsaw, Indiana, with 7 ayes, and 0 nays, and 0 abstentions, that this be Adopted and Resolved this day 20th day of December, 2021.

Warsaw Common Council         

12-23 hspxlp



    WHEREAS, Indiana Code 9-21-1 authorizes local authorities to regulate traffic by means of a traffic control device; and,

    WHEREAS, the  Warsaw Traffic Safety Commission  has recommended  to the Common Council of the City of Warsaw certain actions that will prevent traffic accidents on city streets;


City of Warsaw, Indiana, that Chapter 74, Traffic and Vehicles, Article  III, Operation of Vehicles Generally, of the Warsaw City Code be amended to read as follows:




Section  74-121 Automatic Traffic Signals

    Items 13 shall be removed  from the ordinance

(13) At the intersection of North Union Street and West Center Street during school hours (remove item 13)

    Items I4 thru I6 shall be added to the ordinance as follows:

(14) At the railroad tracks crossing on Main Street westbound.

(15) At the railroad tracks crossing on Center Street westbound.

(16) At the railroad tracks crossing on Market Street westbound.

Section  74-122 Speed  Zones

Items 1,2,18 shall be amended to read as follows:

    (1) On Center Street from Hepler Drive to Market Street the speed limit shall be 35 miles per hour.

    (2) On Center Street from Argonne Road to US 30 the speed limit shall be 35 miles per hour.

    (18) On State Road 15 from Lyon Street north to Anchorage Rd the speed shall be 40 miles per hour.

Items 8, 10 and 13 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (8) On Winona Avenue East from South Detroit Street to the Winona Lake city limits the speed limit shall be 25 miles per hour. (remove item 8)

    (10) On South Colfax Street from Center Street to Market Street the speed limit shall be 20 miles per hour. (remove item 10)

    (13) On McClellen Street from Pope Street south to Lakeview Drive, the speed limit shall be 20 miles per hour. (remove item 13)

Item 33 shall be added to read as follows:

    (33)  On State Road 15 from Anchorage Rd to the city limit the speed shall be 45  miles per hour.

Section 74-124 One-way Streets and Alleys

Items I5, I6 and I7 shall be added to read as follows:

    (15) West entrance to Meijer Shopping Center from Anchorage Road, shall be one-way Eastbound.

    (16) Traffic on Hickory St. from Center St. to Main St. shall be one-way Northbound.

    (17)    Traffic on Hickory St. from Center St. to Market St. shall be one-way Southbound.

Section 74-126 Right Turn Only

Traffic at the following locations within the city shall be permitted to make a right turn only:

Items 1  shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) Traffic traveling East on Canal Street exiting onto Detroit Street.

Section 74-128 One-Way Stops

Items 1 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (1) At the northeast corner of the intersection of West Center Street and County Road 225 west. (remove item 1)

Items 14, 47, 95, 102 and 163 shall be amended to read as follows:

(14) At the northwest corner of the intersection of South Adams Street and Durbin. Street.

    (47) At the southwest corner of the intersection of Lincoln Drive and Lincoln Street.

    (95) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Mary Mac Street and Ranch Road.

    (102)   At the southeast corner of the intersection of St. Mary Drive and Herscher Drive.

    (163) At the northwest corner of the intersection of Hickory Street and Market Street.

Items 183 and 194 shall be removed from the ordinance

    (183)  At the exit of the 3-D parking lot onto Old US 30. (remove item 183)

    (194) At the southwest corner of the intersection of East Jefferson Street and Argonne Road. (remove item 194)

Items 263 thru 300 shall be added to read as follows:

    (263) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Stag Drive and County Road 75 North;

    (264) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Doe Street and County Road 175 East;

    (265) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Prosperity Drive and County Road 175 East;

    (266) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Prosperity Drive and East Center Street;

    (267) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Douglas and County Road 250 North;

    (268) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Rainbow Drive and County Road 250 North;

    269) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Boeing Road and County Road 250 North;

    (270) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Rainbow Drive and Bell Drive;

    (271) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Boeing Road and County Road 200 North;

    (272) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Pound Drive and County Road 200 North;

    (273) On the South-West Corner of the intersection of Pound Drive and County Road 100 East;

    (274) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Cessna Road and County Road 200 North;

    (275) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Rainbow Drive and Anchorage Road;

    (276) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of  Shawnee Drive and County Road 225 East;

    (277) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Pontiac Drive and Tecumseh Street;

    (278) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  Pontiac Drive and N Cheyenne Drive;

    (279) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Mitchell's Boulevard and Gussie Court;

    (280) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Mitchell's Boulevard and Mandy Court;

    (281) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of  Mitchell's Boulevard and County Road 225 East;

    (282) On the N01th-West Corner of the intersection of Lake Placid Drive and Lake Tahoe Trail;

    (283) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Lake Tahoe Trail and Saint Clair Court;

    (284) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Ontario Lane and Superior Avenue;

    (285) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of   Victoria Lane and Lake Tahoe Trail;

    (286) On the North-East Corner of the intersection of Gilliam Avenue and Park Avenue;

    (287) On the South-East Corner of the intersection of Gilliam Avenue and Arthur Street;

    (288) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of Adams and Durbin Street;

    (289) On the North-West Corner of the intersection of  Biomet Drive and County Road 200 North;

    (290)    On the South-East Corner of the intersection of  North Union Street and Lake Street;

    (291) On the northwest corner of the intersection of Nancy Street and Sally Street.

    (292) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Pam Street and Brookview Drive.

    (293) On the northeast corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Hepler Drive.

    (294) On the southwest corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Leiter Drive.

    (295) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Ramar Street and Wedrick Street.

    (296) On the northwest corner of the intersection for traffic making the circle on Gilliam.

    (297) On the southeast corner of the intersection of Indiana Street and Canal Street.

    (298) On the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Bass Street.

    (299)    On the northwest corner of the intersection of Ford Lane and Rozella Road.

    (300) On the northeast corner of the intersection of southwest Point Drive and Eisenhower Parkway.

Section 74-129 Two-Way Stops

Items 3, 105, and 108  shall be removed from the ordinance

    (3) At the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of Hickory Street and Center Street. (remove item 3)

    (105) At the southeast and northwest comers of the intersection of Ranch Road and the Big 4 Railroad Tracks. (remove item 105)

    (108) At the southeast and northwest corners of the intersection of 225 West and Penn Central Railroad Tracks. (remove item 108)

Items 141, 142, 143 shall be added to read as follows:

    (141) At the North-East and South-West Corners of Boeing Road and Bell Drive.

    (142) On the South-East and North-West Corners of the intersection of Reed Street and East Main Street.

    (143) On the South-East, and North-West Corners of the intersection of Indiana  Street and Fort Wayne Street.

Items 78 shall be amended to read as follows:

    (78) At the southwest and northeast corners of the intersection of Mary Mac and Buffalo Street.

Section 74-130 All Way Stops

Items 3 and 4 shall be removed  from the ordinance

    (3) On the South-East, North-East and North-West Corners of the intersection of Reed Street and East Main Street. (remove item 3)

    (4) On the South-East, South-West and North-West Corners of the intersection of Indiana Street and Fort Wayne Street. (remove item 4)

Item I2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (12) On the North-West, South-West, and South-East Corners of County Road 75 North and County Road 225 East.

Section 74-131 All Way Stops

Item 18 shall be added to read as follows:

    (18) On all corners of the intersection of East Main Street and Buffalo Street.

Section 74-132 Yield Signs

Items 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, I2, 13, I4, 15, and 23 shall be removed from the ordinance:

    (3) At the northwest corner of the intersection of Nancy Street and Sally Street.

    (4) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Pam Street and Brookview Drive.

    (6) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Hepler Drive.

    (7) At the southwest corner of the intersection of Maye Street and Leiter Drive.

    (8) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Ramar Street and unnamed street at east end of Ramar.

    (9) At the northwest corner of the intersection for traffic making the circle on Gilliam.

    (11) At the southeast corner of the intersection of Indiana Street and Canal Street.

    (13)    At the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Bass Street.

    (14) At the northeast corner of the intersection of Ford Lane and County Road 100 South.

    (15) At the northwest corner of Miner Drive and Kosciusko County Bridge No. 275, (KCB No. 275).

    (23) At the southeast corner of the intersection of southwest Point Drive and Eisenhower Parkway.

Section 74-135 No Left Turn

Item 2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (2) Anchorage Road Westbound into the West entrance of the Meijer Shopping Center.

    Section 74-137 Special Parking Spaces shall be added as follows:

Section 74-137 Special Parking Spaces

Items 1 and 2 shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) Parking space on Indiana St located on the northwest corner of Center St. and Indiana St. shall be marked as a Handicapped parking space.

    (2) Parking space on Center St located on the northwest corner of Center St. and Indiana St. shall be marked with a 15 min time limit.

Section 74-138 Roundabouts shall be added as follows:

Section 74-138 Roundabouts

Items 1 thru 3 shall be added to read as follows:

    (1) All  traffic  entering a  roundabout circle shall  yield  to vehicles or  pedestrians already in the circle.

    (2) All traffic shall proceed in the roundabout in a one-way counterclockwise flow.

    (3) Unless  otherwise  designated  by  the  City,  there  shall  be  no  parking  within a roundabout, or within 30 feet of any entrance or exit to a roundabout.

    This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from the date of passage. Any parts of the Warsaw Traffic Control Ordinance which are in conflict with this ordinance are hereby suspended by this ordinance.

    THEREFORE; be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Warsaw, Indiana, with 7 ayes, and 0 nays, and 0 abstentions, that this be Adopted and Resolved this day 20th day of December, 2021.

Warsaw Common Council         

12-23 hspxlp
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