
May 29, 2020 at 9:38 p.m.

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Andy and Kari Airgood, rural Claypool, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Liza Lee Airgood, rural Claypool, to Jacob Daniel Stephan, rural Lagro.

Liza, the daughter of Andy and Kari Airgood, is a 2016 graduate of Manchester High School, where her activities included cross country, tennis and FFA.

Jake, the son of Joe and Kathy Stephan, is a 2016 graduate of Northfield High School, where his activities included wrestling and football.

Liza finished up Purdue as the Walt Disney World horticulture intern in summer 2019 before graduation. Liza graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture with an associate degree in agriculture in both agronomy crop sciences and food and agribusiness management.

Liza now works at Spring Green in Columbia City.

Jake finished up Purdue as a teacher’s assistant in the agronomy labs. He graduated in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in agronomy with a minor in agribusiness management. He now works for LG Seeds as a sales account manager for Northeast Indiana.

Both were 10-year 4-H members locally and both have helped teach junior church at the Claypool United Methodist Church for almost four years.

The couple plan a June 20 wedding at the Eel River Church of the Brethren, Silver Lake, with a reception to follow at the bride’s grandparents’ barn.

Andy and Kari Airgood, rural Claypool, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Liza Lee Airgood, rural Claypool, to Jacob Daniel Stephan, rural Lagro.

Liza, the daughter of Andy and Kari Airgood, is a 2016 graduate of Manchester High School, where her activities included cross country, tennis and FFA.

Jake, the son of Joe and Kathy Stephan, is a 2016 graduate of Northfield High School, where his activities included wrestling and football.

Liza finished up Purdue as the Walt Disney World horticulture intern in summer 2019 before graduation. Liza graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture with an associate degree in agriculture in both agronomy crop sciences and food and agribusiness management.

Liza now works at Spring Green in Columbia City.

Jake finished up Purdue as a teacher’s assistant in the agronomy labs. He graduated in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in agronomy with a minor in agribusiness management. He now works for LG Seeds as a sales account manager for Northeast Indiana.

Both were 10-year 4-H members locally and both have helped teach junior church at the Claypool United Methodist Church for almost four years.

The couple plan a June 20 wedding at the Eel River Church of the Brethren, Silver Lake, with a reception to follow at the bride’s grandparents’ barn.
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