Alan Alderfer
Alan Alderfer

Alan Alderfer

It’s Important To Understand The Basics Of Social Security

We get many questions each week about Social Security, and rightly so; it is a very important element of retirement planning. It is one of the most popular government programs in history. However, it is complicated and there are many strategies to maximize your benefits.

You Need To Plan Your Financial Future For Several Important Reasons

The first, and most important reason, is to protect yourself and your family from financial risks.

A Starter Kit Can Get Your Financial Plan On Track

With all the uncertainty in our world today, it’s more important than ever that you have your finances as organized as possible.

Financial Issues To Keep In Mind As Your Retirement Draws Near

Hopefully when you get within a year or so of retirement, you will have acquired almost all the assets you will need in retirement.

Mark Your Calendar With These Important Financial Dates

In February, you’ll turn your attention to gathering your tax documents.

Here Are Some Suggestions To Getting Your Taxes Done Right

Even if we didn’t have a single calendar in our office, we would know when February came around each year because of the number of calls we get from clients who are anxious to get their tax documents so they can get their taxes done. And rightly so!

Take These First Steps When Planning Your Financial Future

Take These First Steps When Planning Your Financial Future

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