Honors Program Doubles Membership At Manchester University

October 30, 2024 at 7:25 p.m.

By Staff Report

NORTH MANCHESTER – Manchester University welcomed 64 new students to its honors program this fall, doubling the size of the group.
The thriving program now has over 150 members, who must have an unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 and convert several of their courses to the honors designation which allows them to work closely with their professors in developing interdisciplinary research and projects. Many have a GPA of 3.8 or higher, according to a news release from Manchester University.
"The mission of the Manchester University Honors Program is to enhance students' learning, creativity and leadership through membership in a collaborative and inclusive community," said Pam Haynes, Honors Program director and assistant dean of academic affairs. "In addition to their studies, members give of their time on campus and in the North Manchester community by volunteering and living out the values of the honors program: learning, leadership, integrity, community and service."
Honors students have the benefit of registering early for the following semester's classes, demonstrating to graduate schools and employers that they challenged themselves while obtaining their college degree, and developing their leadership skills through the Honors Leadership Council. They are recognized at graduation and wear special honors regalia.
Learn more about honors at Manchester University at www.manchester.edu/academics/AcademicAffairs/honors-program..

NORTH MANCHESTER – Manchester University welcomed 64 new students to its honors program this fall, doubling the size of the group.
The thriving program now has over 150 members, who must have an unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 and convert several of their courses to the honors designation which allows them to work closely with their professors in developing interdisciplinary research and projects. Many have a GPA of 3.8 or higher, according to a news release from Manchester University.
"The mission of the Manchester University Honors Program is to enhance students' learning, creativity and leadership through membership in a collaborative and inclusive community," said Pam Haynes, Honors Program director and assistant dean of academic affairs. "In addition to their studies, members give of their time on campus and in the North Manchester community by volunteering and living out the values of the honors program: learning, leadership, integrity, community and service."
Honors students have the benefit of registering early for the following semester's classes, demonstrating to graduate schools and employers that they challenged themselves while obtaining their college degree, and developing their leadership skills through the Honors Leadership Council. They are recognized at graduation and wear special honors regalia.
Learn more about honors at Manchester University at www.manchester.edu/academics/AcademicAffairs/honors-program..

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