KBOR Cruise-In Is Third Friday Event

August 12, 2024 at 7:32 p.m.

By David L. Slone

Kosciusko Board of Realtors will have their cruise-in at Third Friday for their children’s charities.
The Main Street Warsaw event is 5 to 8 p.m. Friday downtown Warsaw. Streets start closing at about 3 p.m. so people will probably start bringing their cars in around 3:30 p.m. to get a good spot.
All vehicles are welcome and entry is free, and there will be a people’s choice trophy. Entry is at the corner of Indiana and Center streets.
WRSW will present the live band Beez and the Rocker at the intersection of Buffalo and Center. “It’s kind of hard to explain,” Scott Wiley, Main Street Warsaw supporter relations manager, said of the type of music the band plays. “It’s fun. Think new pop music kind of, or classic rock ’n’ with a ukulele thrown in. They’re a lot of fun.”
There will be 40 business vendors on hand like a normal Third Friday, according to Wiley. Food vendors will include barbecue, bison burgers, lemon shakeups and more.
There will be a voluntary donation with all the proceeds going to the KBOR’s charities, Wiley said.
“There is a progressive dinner, too. If you’d like a progressive dinner, there’s like 14 different downtown businesses that will have food and drink available. You just sign up on the plaza and then enjoy a progressive dinner,” Wiley said.
Third Friday sponsors include Main Street Warsaw, Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce, Kensington Digital Media, WRSW, City of Warsaw, Dr. Dane and Mary Louise Miller Foundation, Willie 103.5 FM and News Now!

Kosciusko Board of Realtors will have their cruise-in at Third Friday for their children’s charities.
The Main Street Warsaw event is 5 to 8 p.m. Friday downtown Warsaw. Streets start closing at about 3 p.m. so people will probably start bringing their cars in around 3:30 p.m. to get a good spot.
All vehicles are welcome and entry is free, and there will be a people’s choice trophy. Entry is at the corner of Indiana and Center streets.
WRSW will present the live band Beez and the Rocker at the intersection of Buffalo and Center. “It’s kind of hard to explain,” Scott Wiley, Main Street Warsaw supporter relations manager, said of the type of music the band plays. “It’s fun. Think new pop music kind of, or classic rock ’n’ with a ukulele thrown in. They’re a lot of fun.”
There will be 40 business vendors on hand like a normal Third Friday, according to Wiley. Food vendors will include barbecue, bison burgers, lemon shakeups and more.
There will be a voluntary donation with all the proceeds going to the KBOR’s charities, Wiley said.
“There is a progressive dinner, too. If you’d like a progressive dinner, there’s like 14 different downtown businesses that will have food and drink available. You just sign up on the plaza and then enjoy a progressive dinner,” Wiley said.
Third Friday sponsors include Main Street Warsaw, Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce, Kensington Digital Media, WRSW, City of Warsaw, Dr. Dane and Mary Louise Miller Foundation, Willie 103.5 FM and News Now!

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