Purdue Extension - Start a Garden in Your Backyard

July 28, 2016 at 4:25 p.m.

By Kelly Heckaman-

Are you thinking about starting your own garden? Not sure where to start, what or when to plant? Then “Start a Garden in Your Backyard” is the hands-on workshop for you.

The Kosciusko County Master Gardeners and Purdue Extension – Kosciusko County will to help get you started gardening on March 20.

The same program will be offered at either 1 to 3 p.m. or 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Kosciusko County Annex Building, Purdue Extension Office at 202 W Main Street (former First Christian Church).

This workshop is hands-on and will be interactive for participants. The following topics will be offered:  
­– Where do I put my garden?

– Location can be the most important element to a successful garden. Learn how much sunlight you need.

– Why drainage and water is important. What soil preparation need to be completed and when and how much fertilizer to use for your garden.

– If you don’t want to dig up your soil, learn what no dig gardening is and if it will work for you.

– The next step is planning your garden. You really don’t want to go out and just plant any and everything you have. Space will determine what and where you can plant in your garden.

– You also need to take into consideration how much time you have for your garden and what your family likes to eat. These considerations will help you get started.

– Now that you have the location and planning completed, the next step is to decide what vegetables to plant and how much.

– We will share with you the easiest vegetables to grow and when you can start planting them. Some plants do better as transplant versus growing from seed – learn which ones these are.

– Tips will also be given on how to pick out your plants and what to look for before you buy. Also, learn about varieties and what that means to your garden.

The workshop wraps up with how to manage the garden once it is planted. In order to enjoy the benefits of your hard work at harvest, there are a few considerations to make for caring for your garden.

The Master Gardeners will explain weed prevention, pest and diseases to watch for and watering the garden during the growing season.

Most importantly you will get to see examples of inexpensive tools that are common for the growing garden.

All participants will plant seeds to get you ready for planting in the garden this spring and learn how to make seed tapes. Also —each participant will receive a packet of reference information on gardening.

So, we hope you plan to join us March 20 to get your garden started off right.

The Master Gardeners will also share their collective experience of 100+ years of growing a garden with you. Bring your questions too!

Pre-registration is required by March 15. Registration is $5/person or $10/family. Space is limited so register early. A minimum of 20 people is needed  to sign up to host the program.

 If you have any questions or would like a copy of the registration brochure with complete session & speaker details, contact the Purdue Extension – Kosciusko County Office at 574-372-2340 or visit our website at www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/kosciusko and look under hot topics[[In-content Ad]]

Are you thinking about starting your own garden? Not sure where to start, what or when to plant? Then “Start a Garden in Your Backyard” is the hands-on workshop for you.

The Kosciusko County Master Gardeners and Purdue Extension – Kosciusko County will to help get you started gardening on March 20.

The same program will be offered at either 1 to 3 p.m. or 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Kosciusko County Annex Building, Purdue Extension Office at 202 W Main Street (former First Christian Church).

This workshop is hands-on and will be interactive for participants. The following topics will be offered:  
­– Where do I put my garden?

– Location can be the most important element to a successful garden. Learn how much sunlight you need.

– Why drainage and water is important. What soil preparation need to be completed and when and how much fertilizer to use for your garden.

– If you don’t want to dig up your soil, learn what no dig gardening is and if it will work for you.

– The next step is planning your garden. You really don’t want to go out and just plant any and everything you have. Space will determine what and where you can plant in your garden.

– You also need to take into consideration how much time you have for your garden and what your family likes to eat. These considerations will help you get started.

– Now that you have the location and planning completed, the next step is to decide what vegetables to plant and how much.

– We will share with you the easiest vegetables to grow and when you can start planting them. Some plants do better as transplant versus growing from seed – learn which ones these are.

– Tips will also be given on how to pick out your plants and what to look for before you buy. Also, learn about varieties and what that means to your garden.

The workshop wraps up with how to manage the garden once it is planted. In order to enjoy the benefits of your hard work at harvest, there are a few considerations to make for caring for your garden.

The Master Gardeners will explain weed prevention, pest and diseases to watch for and watering the garden during the growing season.

Most importantly you will get to see examples of inexpensive tools that are common for the growing garden.

All participants will plant seeds to get you ready for planting in the garden this spring and learn how to make seed tapes. Also —each participant will receive a packet of reference information on gardening.

So, we hope you plan to join us March 20 to get your garden started off right.

The Master Gardeners will also share their collective experience of 100+ years of growing a garden with you. Bring your questions too!

Pre-registration is required by March 15. Registration is $5/person or $10/family. Space is limited so register early. A minimum of 20 people is needed  to sign up to host the program.

 If you have any questions or would like a copy of the registration brochure with complete session & speaker details, contact the Purdue Extension – Kosciusko County Office at 574-372-2340 or visit our website at www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/kosciusko and look under hot topics[[In-content Ad]]
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